Commit ff4b01b4 authored by Rob Pike's avatar Rob Pike

fix two (!) bugs printing floating point zero

parent eca23cfd
......@@ -347,6 +347,9 @@ func pow10(n int) double {
func unpack(a double) (negative bool, exp int, num double) {
if a == 0 {
return false, 0, 0.0
neg := a < 0;
if neg {
a = -a;
......@@ -380,9 +383,20 @@ func (f *Fmt) E(a double) *Fmt {
prec = f.prec;
prec++; // one digit left of decimal
var s string;
// multiply by 10^prec to get decimal places; put decimal after first digit
g *= pow10(prec);
s := f.integer(int64(g + .5), 10, true, &ldigits); // get the digits into a string
if g == 0 {
// doesn't work for zero - fake it
s = "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
if prec < len(s) {
s = s[0:prec];
} else {
prec = len(s);
} else {
g *= pow10(prec);
s = f.integer(int64(g + .5), 10, true, &ldigits); // get the digits into a string
s = s[0:1] + "." + s[1:prec]; // insert a decimal point
// print exponent with leading 0 if appropriate.
es := New().p(2).integer(int64(exp), 10, true, &ldigits);
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