• Kirill Smelkov's avatar
    tracing/pyruntraced: New tool to run Python code with tracepoints activated (draft) · 7a476082
    Kirill Smelkov authored
    We will hopefully need it in the future to test external python code
    similarly to when testing in-process go code with the help of
    tracepoints. See module description for details (tracetest is not yet
    There is no yet Go client API for interacting with such-traced python
    program. For the record: manually inspecting traced python process could
    be done via e.g.
    	socat EXEC:"./pyruntraced 3 neo.trace.py -- ../../../t/backup-play/N1-writer",fdin=3,fdout=3 TCP:localhost:8888
    and telnetting to localhost:8888 from another xterm.
pyruntraced 10.3 KB