• Quentin Monnet's avatar
    tc: add bash-completion function · 27d44f3a
    Quentin Monnet authored
    Add function for command completion for tc in bash, and update Makefile
    to install it under /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/.
    Inside iproute2 repository, the completion code is in a new
    `bash-completion` toplevel directory.
    v2: Remove `if` statement in Makefile: do not try to install in
        /etc/bash_completion.d/ if /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/
        is not found; instead, the user can override the installation path
        with the specific environment variable.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarQuentin Monnet <quentin.monnet@6wind.com>
Makefile 2.3 KB