• Eric Piel's avatar
    [PATCH] ia64: fix settimeofday() not synchronised with gettimeofday() · da152b74
    Eric Piel authored
    Eric Piel wrote:
    > However, now, it still gives negative difference:
    > # ./a.out
    > requested:      1047572128s 2564ns
    > new:            1047572128s 1588ns
    > diff is -0.000976000sec
    > That's better but there is still something...
    > Can anyone reproduce this bug? Any idea about what may cause this
    > shifted results?
    > I don't understand what does the line in settimeofday():
    >         nsec -= (jiffies - wall_jiffies ) * (1000000000 / HZ);
    Finally I read the code to do the same thing for i386 (get and
    settimeofday()). This explains the meaning of this line, in the i386
    it's associated with the equivalent line in do_gettimeofday()! On ia64
    everything is done inside of gettimeoffset(). Therefore I'm now
    confident that suppressing this line is a Good Thing ;-) The patch doing
    it wrt the bk tree is attached.
    The test case confirms that it works:
    requested:      1048681051s 194873ns
    new:            1048681051s 194874ns
    diff is  0.000001000sec
    That's the same result than on a 2.4.19 . 
    This also solved an error on the high resolution timers test suite.
time.c 9.61 KB