• Takashi Sakamoto's avatar
    ALSA: firewire-motu: add support for MOTU Track 16 · 411ac298
    Takashi Sakamoto authored
    Mark of the Unicorn designed Track 16 2011 as one of models in third
    generation of its FireWire series. The model is already discontinued.
    It consists of below ICs:
     * Texas Instruments TSB41AB1
     * Microchip (SMSC) USB3300
     * Xilinx Spartan-3A FPGA, XC3S700A
     * Texas Instruments TMS320C6722
     * Microchip (Atmel) AT91SAM SAM7S512
    It supports sampling transfer frequency up to 192.0 kHz. The packet
    format differs depending on both of current sampling transfer frequency
    and the type of signal in optical interfaces. The model supports
    transmission of PCM frames as well as MIDI messages.
    The model supports command mechanism to configure internal DSP. Hardware
    meter information is available in the first 2 chunks of each data block
    of tx packet.
    This commit adds support for it.
    $ cd linux-firewire-tools/src
    $ python crpp < /sys/bus/firewire/devices/fw1/config_rom
                   ROM header and bus information block
    400  04107d95  bus_info_length 4, crc_length 16, crc 32149
    404  31333934  bus_name "1394"
    408  20ff7000  irmc 0, cmc 0, isc 1, bmc 0, cyc_clk_acc 255, max_rec 7 (256)
    40c  0001f200  company_id 0001f2     |
    410  000a83c4  device_id 00000a83c4  | EUI-64 0001f200000a83c4
                   root directory
    414  0004ef04  directory_length 4, crc 61188
    418  030001f2  vendor
    41c  0c0083c0  node capabilities per IEEE 1394
    420  d1000002  --> unit directory at 428
    424  8d000005  --> eui-64 leaf at 438
                   unit directory at 428
    428  00035b04  directory_length 3, crc 23300
    42c  120001f2  specifier id
    430  13000039  version
    434  17102800  model
                   eui-64 leaf at 438
    438  0002b25f  leaf_length 2, crc 45663
    43c  0001f200  company_id 0001f2     |
    440  000a83c4  device_id 00000a83c4  | EUI-64 0001f200000a83c4
    Signed-off-by: default avatarTakashi Sakamoto <o-takashi@sakamocchi.jp>
    Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20211107110644.23511-1-o-takashi@sakamocchi.jp
    Signed-off-by: default avatarTakashi Iwai <tiwai@suse.de>
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