• Sowmini Varadhan's avatar
    RDS-TCP: Do not bloat sndbuf/rcvbuf in rds_tcp_tune · 1edd6a14
    Sowmini Varadhan authored
    Using the value of RDS_TCP_DEFAULT_BUFSIZE (128K)
    clobbers efficient use of TSO because it inflates the size_goal
    that is computed in tcp_sendmsg/tcp_sendpage and skews packet
    latency, and the default values for these parameters actually
    results in significantly better performance.
    In request-response tests using rds-stress with a packet size of
    100K with 16 threads (test parameters -q 100000 -a 256 -t16 -d16)
    between a single pair of IP addresses achieves a throughput of
    6-8 Gbps. Without this patch, throughput maxes at 2-3 Gbps under
    equivalent conditions on these platforms.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarSowmini Varadhan <sowmini.varadhan@oracle.com>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarDavid S. Miller <davem@davemloft.net>
tcp.c 12.5 KB