• Eugeniy Paltsev's avatar
    ARC: handle DSP presence in HW · 4827d0cf
    Eugeniy Paltsev authored
    When DSP extensions are present, some of the regular integer instructions
    such as DIV, MACD etc are executed in the DSP unit with semantics alterable
    by flags in DSP_CTRL aux register. This register is writable by userspace
    and thus can potentially affect corresponding instructions in kernel code,
    intentionally or otherwise. So safegaurd kernel by effectively disabling
    DSP_CTRL upon bootup and every entry to kernel.
    Do note that for this config we simply zero out the DSP_CTRL reg assuming
    userspace doesn't really care about DSP. The next patch caters to the DSP
    aware userspace where this reg is saved/restored upon kernel entry/exit.
    Reviewed-by: default avatarVineet Gupta <vgupta@synopsys.com>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEugeniy Paltsev <Eugeniy.Paltsev@synopsys.com>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarVineet Gupta <vgupta@synopsys.com>
arcregs.h 8.78 KB