• Jens Wiklander's avatar
    tee: generic TEE subsystem · 967c9cca
    Jens Wiklander authored
    Initial patch for generic TEE subsystem.
    This subsystem provides:
    * Registration/un-registration of TEE drivers.
    * Shared memory between normal world and secure world.
    * Ioctl interface for interaction with user space.
    * Sysfs implementation_id of TEE driver
    A TEE (Trusted Execution Environment) driver is a driver that interfaces
    with a trusted OS running in some secure environment, for example,
    TrustZone on ARM cpus, or a separate secure co-processor etc.
    The TEE subsystem can serve a TEE driver for a Global Platform compliant
    TEE, but it's not limited to only Global Platform TEEs.
    This patch builds on other similar implementations trying to solve
    the same problem:
    * "optee_linuxdriver" by among others
      Jean-michel DELORME<jean-michel.delorme@st.com> and
      Emmanuel MICHEL <emmanuel.michel@st.com>
    * "Generic TrustZone Driver" by Javier González <javier@javigon.com>
    Acked-by: default avatarAndreas Dannenberg <dannenberg@ti.com>
    Tested-by: Jerome Forissier <jerome.forissier@linaro.org> (H...
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