• Waldemar Rymarkiewicz's avatar
    NFC: pn533: Add support for ACS ACR122U reader · 53cf4839
    Waldemar Rymarkiewicz authored
    ACS ACR122U is an USB NFC reader, PC/SC and CCID compilant, based
    on NXP PN532 chip.
    Internally, it's build of MCU, PN532 and an antenna. MCU makes the
    device CCID and PC/SC compilant and provide USB connection.
    In this achitecture, a host cannot talk directly to PN532 and must
    rely on MCU. Luckily, MCU exposes pseud-APDU through PC/SC Escape
    mechanism which let the host to transmit standard PN532 commands
    directly to PN532 chip with some limitations.
    The frame roughly looks like:
        CCID header    |          APDU header           |    PN532 header
    (pc_to_rdr_escape) |  (pseudo apdu Direct Tramsmit) | (len, TFI, cmd, params)
    Accordign to limitations, ACR122U does't provide any mechanism to
    abort last issued command.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarWaldemar Rymarkiewicz <waldemar.rymarkiewicz@tieto.com>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarSamuel Ortiz <sameo@linux.intel.com>
pn533.c 64.4 KB