• Aharon Landau's avatar
    net/mlx5: Refactor query port speed functions · 639bf441
    Aharon Landau authored
    The functions mlx5_query_port_link_width_oper and
    mlx5_query_port_ib_proto_oper are always called together, so combine them
    to a new function called mlx5_query_port_oper to avoid duplication.
    And while the mlx5i_get_port_settings is the same as
    mlx5_query_port_oper therefore let's remove it.
    According to the IB spec link_width_oper and ib_proto_oper should be u16
    and not as written u8, so perform casting as a preparation to cross-RDMA
    patch which will fix that type for all drivers in the RDMA subsystem.
    Fixes: ada68c31 ("net/mlx5: Introduce a new header file for physical port functions")
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAharon Landau <aharonl@mellanox.com>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarMichael Guralnik <michaelgur@nvidia.com>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarLeon Romanovsky <leonro@nvidia.com>
main.c 127 KB