Naveen Mamindlapalli authored
This patch adds workaround for PTP errata given below. 1. At the time of 1 sec rollover of nano-second counter, the nano-second counter is set to 0. However, it should be set to (existing counter_value - 10^9). This leads to an accumulating error in the timestamp value with each sec rollover. 2. Additionally, the nano-second counter currently is rolling over at 'h3B9A_C9FF. It should roll over at 'h3B9A_CA00. The workaround for issue #1 is to speed up the ptp clock by adjusting PTP_CLOCK_COMP register to the desired value to compensate for the nanoseconds lost per each second. The workaround for issue #2 is to slow down the ptp clock such that the rollover occurs at ~1sec. Signed-off-by: Naveen Mamindlapalli <naveenm@marvell.com> Signed-off-by: Sunil Kovvuri Goutham <sgoutham@marvell.com> Signed-off-by: Rakesh Babu Saladi <rsaladi2@marvell.com> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <davem@davemloft.net>