• Helge Deller's avatar
    parisc: Define O_NONBLOCK to become 000200000 · 75ae0420
    Helge Deller authored
    HPUX has separate NDELAY & NONBLOCK values. In the past we wanted to
    be able to run HP-UX binaries natively on parisc Linux which is why
    we defined O_NONBLOCK to 000200004 to distinguish NDELAY & NONBLOCK
    But with 2 bits set in this bitmask we often ran into compatibility
    issues with other Linux applications which often only test one bit (or
    even compare the values).
    To avoid such issues in the future, this patch changes O_NONBLOCK to
    become 000200000. That way old programs will still be functional, and
    for new programs we now have only one bit set.
    Update the comment about SOCK_NONBLOCK too.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarHelge Deller <deller@gmx.de>
socket.h 310 Bytes