• Martin J. Bligh's avatar
    [PATCH] fix timer interrupts on NUMA-Q · 897575e3
    Martin J. Bligh authored
    Since I turned on the IO-APICs on secondary quads, we are receiving
    timer interrupts on *all* quads, not just the first quad, each from their
    local timer chip. This causes time to progress far too rapidly ;-)
    The simple patch below turns off the timer interrupts for IO-APICs other
    than interrupt 0, and has been tested to fix the problem. As it switches
    on clustered_apic_mode, it should be safe from hurting anyone else.
    This fix is already in 2.4 - I'm playing catchup with 2.5 - the same patch
    applies with just a line offset
io_apic.c 46.6 KB