• Clemens Ladisch's avatar
    ALSA: usb-audio: automatically detect feedback format · 89e1e66d
    Clemens Ladisch authored
    There are two USB Audio Class specifications (v1 and v2), but neither of
    them clearly defines the feedback format for high-speed UAC v1 devices.
    Add to this whatever the Creative and M-Audio firmware writers have been
    smoking, and it becomes impossible to predict the exact feedback format
    used by a particular device.
    Therefore, automatically detect the feedback format by looking at the
    magnitude of the first received feedback value.
    Also, this allows us to get rid of some special cases for E-Mu devices.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarClemens Ladisch <clemens@ladisch.de>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarTakashi Iwai <tiwai@suse.de>
card.h 4.65 KB