• Wen Xiong's avatar
    blk-mq: NVMe 512B/4K+T10 DIF/DIX format returns I/O error on dd with split op · 8ffac713
    Wen Xiong authored
    BugLink: http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1689946
    When formatting NVMe to 512B/4K + T10 DIf/DIX, dd with split op returns
    "Input/output error". Looks block layer split the bio after calling
    bio_integrity_prep(bio). This patch fixes the issue.
    Below is how we debug this issue:
    (1)format nvme to 4K block # size with type 2 DIF
    (2)dd with block size bigger than 1024k.
    dd: error writing '/dev/nvme0n1': Input/output error
    We added some debug code in nvme device driver. It showed us the first
    op and the second op have the same bi and pi address. This is not
    1st op: nvme0n1 Op:Wr slba 0x505 length 0x100, PI ctrl=0x1400,
    	dsmgmt=0x0, AT=0x0 & RT=0x505
    	Guard 0x00b1, AT 0x0000, RT physical 0x00000505 RT virtual 0x00002828
    2nd op: nvme0n1 Op:Wr slba 0x605 length 0x1, PI ctrl=0x1400, dsmgmt=0x0,
    	AT=0x0 & RT=0x605  ==> This op fails and subsequent 5 retires..
    	Guard 0x00b1, AT 0x0000, RT physical 0x00000605 RT virt...
blk-mq.c 57 KB