• Ben Skeggs's avatar
    drm/nouveau/fifo/nv04: remove the loop from the interrupt handler · adc346b1
    Ben Skeggs authored
    Complete bong hit (and not the last...), the hardware will reassert the
    interrupt to PMC if it's necessary.
    Also potentially harmful in the face of interrupts such as the non-stall
    interrupt, which remain active in NV_PFIFO_INTR even when we don't care
    about servicing it.
    It appears (hopefully, fdo#87244), that under certain loads, the methods
    may pass quickly enough to hit the "100 spins and kill PFIFO" thing that
    we had going on.  Not ideal ;)
    Signed-off-by: default avatarBen Skeggs <bskeggs@redhat.com>
nv04.c 18 KB