• Clemens Ladisch's avatar
    [ALSA] usb-audio: work around broken M-Audio MidiSport Uno firmware · d05cc104
    Clemens Ladisch authored
    The firmware of the M-Audio USB Uno MIDI Interface has, at least in
    hardware revision 1.25, a bug that garbles its USB output.  When it
    receives a Note On MIDI message that uses running status, the resulting
    USB MIDI packet has a wrong CIN (4 instead of 9) and a wrong length
    (2 bytes, the status byte is still missing).
    This patch adds a workaround to track the CINs and the MIDI messages of
    received USB MIDI packets to detect whether a packet with CIN 4 is a
    correct SysEx packet or a buggy running status packet.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarClemens Ladisch <clemens@ladisch.de>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJaroslav Kysela <perex@suse.cz>
usbmidi.c 49 KB