• Takashi Sakamoto's avatar
    ALSA: firewire-tascam: add note for FE-8 · e6e2fe2b
    Takashi Sakamoto authored
    TASCAM FE-8 is the rest of model in TASCAM FireWire series. This device
    has no functionality to process audio signal and MIDI messages. Instead,
    it transfers control messages to host system corresponding to operations
    for some faders, buttons and knobs on its surface.
    Unlike the other devices in this series, the control messages are
    transmitted by asynchronous transactions. Some registers of device are
    used for registration of destination address for the transaction. The
    transaction includes quadlet-aligned data up to 32 quadlets.
    Userspace applications can receive the transaction and parse it for
    control message via Linux FireWire subsystem, without any support by
    ALSA firewire-tascam driver. Therefore the driver gives no support
    for it.
    This commit removes placeholder for FE-8 and add some comment for its
    functionalities as notes.
    $ python2 linux-firewire-utils/src/crpp < ~/git/am-config-rom/tascam/tascam-fe8.img
                   ROM header and bus information block
    400  040f4798  bus_info_length 4, crc_length 15, crc 18328 (should be 14256)
    404  31333934  bus_name "1394"
    408  20ff7002  irmc 0, cmc 0, isc 1, bmc 0, cyc_clk_acc 255, max_rec 7 (256)
    40c  00022eff  company_id 00022e     |
    410  a094dcb7  device_id ffa094dcb7  | EUI-64 00022effa094dcb7
                   root directory
    414  0004bccc  directory_length 4, crc 48332
    418  0300022e  vendor
    41c  0c0083c0  node capabilities per IEEE 1394
    420  8d000006  --> eui-64 leaf at 438
    424  d1000001  --> unit directory at 428
                   unit directory at 428
    428  0003eda4  directory_length 3, crc 60836
    42c  1200022e  specifier id
    430  13800001  version
    434  d4000004  --> dependent info directory at 444
                   eui-64 leaf at 438
    438  0002461e  leaf_length 2, crc 17950
    43c  00022eff  company_id 00022e     |
    440  a094dcb7  device_id ffa094dcb7  | EUI-64 00022effa094dcb7
                   dependent info directory at 444
    444  0002ae47  directory_length 2, crc 44615
    448  81000002  --> descriptor leaf at 450
    44c  82000006  --> bus dependent info leaf at 464
                   descriptor leaf at 450
    450  0004a79e  leaf_length 4, crc 42910
    454  00000000  textual descriptor
    458  00000000  minimal ASCII
    45c  54415343  "TASC"
    460  414d0000  "AM"
                   bus dependent info leaf at 464
    464  0004a7d8  leaf_length 4, crc 42968
    468  00000000
    46c  00000000
    470  46452d38
    474  00000000
    Signed-off-by: default avatarTakashi Sakamoto <o-takashi@sakamocchi.jp>
    Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20190906125544.13800-1-o-takashi@sakamocchi.jpSigned-off-by: default avatarTakashi Iwai <tiwai@suse.de>
tascam.h 6.09 KB