• Chinmay Agarwal's avatar
    neighbour: Prevent Race condition in neighbour subsytem · eefb45ee
    Chinmay Agarwal authored
    Following Race Condition was detected:
    <CPU A, t0>: Executing: __netif_receive_skb() ->__netif_receive_skb_core()
    -> arp_rcv() -> arp_process().arp_process() calls __neigh_lookup() which
    takes a reference on neighbour entry 'n'.
    Moves further along, arp_process() and calls neigh_update()->
    __neigh_update(). Neighbour entry is unlocked just before a call to
    This unlocking paves way for another thread that may take a reference on
    the same and mark it dead and remove it from gc_list.
    <CPU B, t1> - neigh_flush_dev() is under execution and calls
    neigh_mark_dead(n) marking the neighbour entry 'n' as dead. Also n will be
    removed from gc_list.
    Moves further along neigh_flush_dev() and calls
    neigh_cleanup_and_release(n), but since reference count increased in t1,
    'n' couldn't be destroyed.
    <CPU A, t3>- Code hits neigh_update_gc_list, with neighbour entry
    set as dead.
    <CPU A, t4> - arp_process() finally calls neigh_release(n), destroying
    the neighbour entry and we have a destroyed ntry still part of gc_list.
    Fixes: eb4e8fac("neighbour: Prevent a dead entry from updating gc_list")
    Signed-off-by: default avatarChinmay Agarwal <chinagar@codeaurora.org>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarDavid S. Miller <davem@davemloft.net>
neighbour.c 91.4 KB