Commit 0326cc6b authored by Sean Christopherson's avatar Sean Christopherson

KVM: selftests: Query module param to detect FEP in MSR filtering test

Add a helper to detect KVM support for forced emulation by querying the
module param, and use the helper to detect support for the MSR filtering
test instead of throwing a noodle/NOP at KVM to see if it sticks.

Cc: Aaron Lewis <>
Tested-by: default avatarDapeng Mi <>
Link: default avatarSean Christopherson <>
parent 45e4755c
......@@ -1222,6 +1222,11 @@ static inline bool kvm_is_pmu_enabled(void)
return get_kvm_param_bool("enable_pmu");
static inline bool kvm_is_forced_emulation_enabled(void)
return !!get_kvm_param_integer("force_emulation_prefix");
uint64_t *__vm_get_page_table_entry(struct kvm_vm *vm, uint64_t vaddr,
int *level);
uint64_t *vm_get_page_table_entry(struct kvm_vm *vm, uint64_t vaddr);
......@@ -14,8 +14,7 @@
/* Forced emulation prefix, used to invoke the emulator unconditionally. */
#define KVM_FEP "ud2; .byte 'k', 'v', 'm';"
#define KVM_FEP_LENGTH 5
static int fep_available = 1;
static bool fep_available;
#define MSR_NON_EXISTENT 0x474f4f00
......@@ -260,13 +259,6 @@ static void guest_code_filter_allow(void)
GUEST_ASSERT(data == 2);
GUEST_ASSERT(guest_exception_count == 0);
* Test to see if the instruction emulator is available (ie: the module
* parameter 'kvm.force_emulation_prefix=1' is set). This instruction
* will #UD if it isn't available.
__asm__ __volatile__(KVM_FEP "nop");
if (fep_available) {
/* Let userspace know we aren't done. */
......@@ -388,12 +380,6 @@ static void guest_fep_gp_handler(struct ex_regs *regs)
&em_wrmsr_start, &em_wrmsr_end);
static void guest_ud_handler(struct ex_regs *regs)
fep_available = 0;
regs->rip += KVM_FEP_LENGTH;
static void check_for_guest_assert(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
struct ucall uc;
......@@ -531,9 +517,11 @@ static void test_msr_filter_allow(void)
struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
struct kvm_vm *vm;
uint64_t cmd;
int rc;
vm = vm_create_with_one_vcpu(&vcpu, guest_code_filter_allow);
sync_global_to_guest(vm, fep_available);
rc = kvm_check_cap(KVM_CAP_X86_USER_SPACE_MSR);
TEST_ASSERT(rc, "KVM_CAP_X86_USER_SPACE_MSR is available");
......@@ -561,11 +549,11 @@ static void test_msr_filter_allow(void)
run_guest_then_process_wrmsr(vcpu, MSR_NON_EXISTENT);
run_guest_then_process_rdmsr(vcpu, MSR_NON_EXISTENT);
vm_install_exception_handler(vm, UD_VECTOR, guest_ud_handler);
vm_install_exception_handler(vm, UD_VECTOR, NULL);
cmd = process_ucall(vcpu);
if (process_ucall(vcpu) != UCALL_DONE) {
if (fep_available) {
vm_install_exception_handler(vm, GP_VECTOR, guest_fep_gp_handler);
/* Process emulated rdmsr and wrmsr instructions. */
......@@ -583,6 +571,7 @@ static void test_msr_filter_allow(void)
/* Confirm the guest completed without issues. */
} else {
printf("To run the instruction emulated tests set the module parameter 'kvm.force_emulation_prefix=1'\n");
......@@ -804,6 +793,8 @@ static void test_user_exit_msr_flags(void)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
fep_available = kvm_is_forced_emulation_enabled();
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