Commit 2a835946 authored by Oded Gabbay's avatar Oded Gabbay

habanalabs: rephrase error messages in PCI initialization

The iATU is an internal h/w machine inside Habana's PCI controller.
Mentioning it by name doesn't say anything to the user. It is better
to say the PCI controller initialization was not done successfully.
Signed-off-by: default avatarOded Gabbay <>
parent 960be39d
......@@ -408,13 +408,13 @@ int hl_pci_init(struct hl_device *hdev)
rc = hdev->asic_funcs->pci_bars_map(hdev);
if (rc) {
dev_err(hdev->dev, "Failed to initialize PCI BARs\n");
dev_err(hdev->dev, "Failed to map PCI BAR addresses\n");
goto disable_device;
rc = hdev->asic_funcs->init_iatu(hdev);
if (rc) {
dev_err(hdev->dev, "Failed to initialize iATU\n");
dev_err(hdev->dev, "PCI controller was not initialized successfully\n");
goto unmap_pci_bars;
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