Commit 2cdef8f4 authored by Linus Walleij's avatar Linus Walleij

pinctrl: specify bindings for pins and groups

Pin configurations can be per-pin or per-group. Make sure that the
per-group case is covered by the bindings.
Signed-off-by: default avatarLinus Walleij <>
parent 8f1774a2
......@@ -157,7 +157,12 @@ structure of the DT nodes that contain these properties.
Supported generic properties are:
pins - the list of pins that properties in the node
apply to
apply to (either this or "group" has to be
group - the group to apply the properties to, if the driver
supports configuration of whole groups rather than
individual pins (either this or "pins" has to be
bias-disable - disable any pin bias
bias-high-impedance - high impedance mode ("third-state", "floating")
bias-bus-hold - latch weakly
......@@ -190,6 +195,10 @@ state_1_node_a {
pins = "GPIO1_AJ3", "GPIO3_AH3"; /* RTS+TXD */
state_2_node_a {
group = "foo-group";
Some of the generic properties take arguments. For those that do, the
arguments are described below.
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