Commit 38857318 authored by Jérémy LEFAURE's avatar Jérémy LEFAURE Committed by Julia Lawall

coccinelle: Extend address test from ifaddr semantic patch to test expressions

The test of an expression's address does not necessarily represent the
whole condition, it may only be a part of it. Also, an expression's
address is likely to be non-zero in every test expression, not only in
if statements.

This change aims at detecting an address test in more complex conditions
and not only in if statements.
Signed-off-by: default avatarJérémy Lefaure <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarJulia Lawall <>
parent 20855e4c
......@@ -14,12 +14,10 @@ virtual context
expression x;
statement S1,S2;
position p;
*if@p (&x)
S1 else S2
*\(&x@p == NULL \| &x@p != NULL\)
@script:python depends on org@
p << r.p;
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