Commit 3f30509f authored by Stephan Gerhold's avatar Stephan Gerhold Committed by Bjorn Andersson

ARM: dts: qcom: apq8064: Drop redundant /smd node

The "smd-edge"s for remote processors are typically specified below the
remoteproc nodes. For some reason apq8064 also has them all listed in a
top-level /smd node, disabled by default. None of the boards enable them.

Right now apq8064 only has support for WCNSS/riva, but there the
smd-edge is already defined with the same interrupt etc below the
riva-pil node.

Drop these redundant definitions since the /smd top-level node is now
Reviewed-by: default avatarKonrad Dybcio <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarStephan Gerhold <>
Link: default avatarBjorn Andersson <>
parent b471a1bc
......@@ -226,46 +226,6 @@ smem {
hwlocks = <&sfpb_mutex 3>;
smd {
compatible = "qcom,smd";
modem-edge {
interrupts = <0 37 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>;
qcom,ipc = <&l2cc 8 3>;
qcom,smd-edge = <0>;
status = "disabled";
q6-edge {
interrupts = <0 90 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>;
qcom,ipc = <&l2cc 8 15>;
qcom,smd-edge = <1>;
status = "disabled";
dsps-edge {
interrupts = <0 138 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>;
qcom,ipc = <&sps_sic_non_secure 0x4080 0>;
qcom,smd-edge = <3>;
status = "disabled";
riva-edge {
interrupts = <0 198 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>;
qcom,ipc = <&l2cc 8 25>;
qcom,smd-edge = <6>;
status = "disabled";
smsm {
compatible = "qcom,smsm";
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