Commit 5bcba4e6 authored by Benjamin Gray's avatar Benjamin Gray Committed by Michael Ellerman
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powerpc/dexcr: Handle hashchk exception

Recognise and pass the appropriate signal to the user program when a
hashchk instruction triggers. This is independent of allowing
configuration of DEXCR[NPHIE], as a hypervisor can enforce this aspect
regardless of the kernel.

The signal mirrors how ARM reports their similar check failure. For
example, their FPAC handler in arch/arm64/kernel/traps.c do_el0_fpac()
does this. When we fail to read the instruction that caused the fault
we send a segfault, similar to how emulate_math() does it.
Signed-off-by: default avatarBenjamin Gray <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarMichael Ellerman <>
parent 0ffd60b7
......@@ -222,6 +222,7 @@
#define OP_31_XOP_STFSX 663
#define OP_31_XOP_STFSUX 695
#define OP_31_XOP_STFDX 727
#define OP_31_XOP_HASHCHK 754
#define OP_31_XOP_STFDUX 759
#define OP_31_XOP_LHBRX 790
#define OP_31_XOP_LFIWAX 855
......@@ -1516,6 +1516,22 @@ static void do_program_check(struct pt_regs *regs)
if (cpu_has_feature(CPU_FTR_DEXCR_NPHIE) && user_mode(regs)) {
ppc_inst_t insn;
if (get_user_instr(insn, (void __user *)regs->nip)) {
_exception(SIGSEGV, regs, SEGV_MAPERR, regs->nip);
if (ppc_inst_primary_opcode(insn) == 31 &&
get_xop(ppc_inst_val(insn)) == OP_31_XOP_HASHCHK) {
_exception(SIGILL, regs, ILL_ILLOPN, regs->nip);
_exception(SIGTRAP, regs, TRAP_BRKPT, regs->nip);
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