Commit 9a826ddb authored by Clemens Ladisch's avatar Clemens Ladisch Committed by Jaroslav Kysela

[ALSA] pcm core: fix silence_start calculations

The case where silence_size < boundary was broken because different
parts of the snd_pcm_playback_silence() function disagreed about whether
silence_start should point to the start or to the end of the buffer part
to be silenced.
This patch changes the code to always use to the start, which also
simplifies several calculations.
Signed-off-by: default avatarClemens Ladisch <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarJaroslav Kysela <>
parent 3bc89529
......@@ -79,19 +79,17 @@ void snd_pcm_playback_silence(struct snd_pcm_substream *substream, snd_pcm_ufram
runtime->silence_filled -= frames;
if ((snd_pcm_sframes_t)runtime->silence_filled < 0) {
runtime->silence_filled = 0;
runtime->silence_start = (ofs + frames) - runtime->buffer_size;
runtime->silence_start = new_hw_ptr;
} else {
runtime->silence_start = ofs - runtime->silence_filled;
runtime->silence_start = ofs;
if ((snd_pcm_sframes_t)runtime->silence_start < 0)
runtime->silence_start += runtime->boundary;
frames = runtime->buffer_size - runtime->silence_filled;
snd_assert(frames <= runtime->buffer_size, return);
if (frames == 0)
ofs = (runtime->silence_start + runtime->silence_filled) % runtime->buffer_size;
ofs = runtime->silence_start % runtime->buffer_size;
while (frames > 0) {
transfer = ofs + frames > runtime->buffer_size ? runtime->buffer_size - ofs : frames;
if (runtime->access == SNDRV_PCM_ACCESS_RW_INTERLEAVED ||
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