Commit ab34ca8e authored by Jaroslav Kysela's avatar Jaroslav Kysela
Browse files


parents eb4458e9 71660e15
......@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ your version of gcc 2.95.x, may necessitate using -fno-strict-aliasing).
You will need Gnu make 3.77 or later to build the kernel.
You will need Gnu make 3.78 or later to build the kernel.
......@@ -287,9 +287,9 @@ gcc 2.95.3
o <>
Make 3.77
Make 3.78
o <>
o <>
Board Overview
This is an beta release of the Xscale Linux port to the ADI 80200EVB
evaluation board.
The 80200EVB is an evaluation platform for ADI Engineering's high-performance
80200FCC chipset for the Intel 80200 XScale CPU. The 80200FCC is an open
source FPGA based system that contains a PCI unit and a high performance
memory controller.
In addition to the 80200FCC, the board also contains a 16C550 UART, and 4MB
of flash.
The board is still under development and currently only the UART is functional
as the PCI bits have not been programmed into the FPGA.
For more information on the board, see
Port Status
- Onboard UART (Polled operation only)
- Cache/TLB locking on 80200 CPU
- PCI when hardware supports it
Building the Kernel
change Linux makefile
make adi_evb_config
make oldconfig
make dep
make zImage
Loading Linux
Before you can use Linux on the ADI board, you need to grab the following:
ADI 80200EVB Monitor:
ADI JFFS2 Image:
Once you've got the Cygnus prompt, type in the following command:
On another terminal window:
cat monitor.srec > /dev/ttyS0
(replace ttyS0 with the serial port you are using)
Once completed, just type 'go' at the cygmon prompt and you should see:
MontaVista IQ80310 Monitor Version 0.1
Type 'b 115200' at the prompt and change your terminal speed to 115200
The first thing to do is to upload and burn the jffs2 filesystem image
onto the boards 4MB of flash:
monitor> u c1000000
Uploading file at 0xc1000000
Now send file with ymodem
Do as the monitor says and transfer the file adi.jffs2. Once complete,
the following will copy the jffs2 image to location 0x80000 in the flash.
monitor> f 8000 c1000000 200000
Erasing sector 0x00080000
Writing sector 0x00080000 with data at 0xC1000000
Erasing sector 0x000A0000
Writing sector 0x000A0000 with data at 0xC1020000
Erasing sector 0x000C0000
Now use the same command as above to upload your zImage to location c1000000.
When you've done that, type 'j c1000000' to run Linux. Login as
root and you're all set to go.
Misc Notes
The current version of the HW does not have an onboard timer, so the 80200
PMU is not available for general use as it is being used for a timer source.
By default, the MTD driver reserves the first 512K for bootloaders and
the remaining 3.5MB for the filesystem. You can edit drivers/mtd/map/adi_evb.c
to change this as needed for your application.
Thanks to ADI Engineering for providing the hardware for development
Deepak Saxena <> - Initial port
Enjoy. If you have any problem please contact Deepak Saxena
Board Overview
The Cyclone IQ80310 board is an evaluation platform for Intel's 80200 Xscale
CPU and 80312 Intelligent I/O chipset (collectively called IOP310 chipset).
The 80312 contains dual PCI hoses (called the ATUs), a PCI-to-PCI bridge,
three DMA channels (1 on secondary PCI, one on primary PCI ), I2C, I2O
messaging unit, XOR unit for RAID operations, a bus performance monitoring
unit, and a memory controller with ECC features.
For more information on the board, see
Port Status
- NFS root
- RAMDISK root
- 2ndary PCI slots
- Onboard ethernet
- Serial ports (ttyS0/S1)
- Cache/TLB locking on 80200 CPU
- Performance monitoring unit on 80200 CPU
- 80200 Performance Monitoring Unit
- Acting as a system controller on Cyclone 80303BP PCI backplane
- 80312 Bus Performance Monitor (EXPERIMENTAL)
- Application Accelerator Unit (XOR engine for RAID) (EXPERIMENTAL)
- Messaging Unit (EXPERIMENTAL)
- I2C
Building the Kernel
make iq80310_config
make oldconfig
make dep
make zImage
This will build an image setup for BOOTP/NFS root support. To change this,
just run make menuconfig and disable nfs root or add a "root=" option.
Preparing the Hardware
This document assumes you're using a Rev D or newer board running
Redboot as the bootloader.
The as-supplied RedBoot image appears to leave the first page of RAM
in a corrupt state such that certain words in that page are unwritable
and contain random data. The value of the data, and the location within
the first page changes with each boot, but is generally in the range
0xa0000150 to 0xa0000fff.
You can grab the source from the ECOS CVS or you can get a prebuilt image
which is:
# strings redboot.bin | grep bootstrap
RedBoot(tm) bootstrap and debug environment, version UNKNOWN - built 14:58:21, Aug 15 2001
md5sum of this version:
bcb96edbc6f8e55b16c165930b6e4439 redboot.bin
You have two options to program it:
1. Using the FRU program (see the instructions in the user manual).
2. Using a Linux host, with MTD support built into the host kernel:
- ensure that the RedBoot image is not locked (issue the following
command under the existing RedBoot image):
RedBoot> fis unlock -f 0 -l 0x40000
- switch S3-1 and S3-2 on.
- reboot the host
- login as root
- identify the 80310 card:
# lspci
00:0c.1 Memory controller: Intel Corporation 80310 IOP [IO Processor] (rev 01)
- in this example, bus 0, slot 0c, function 1.
- insert the MTD modules, and the PCI map module:
# insmod drivers/mtd/maps/pci.o
- locate the MTD device (using the bus, slot, function)
# cat /proc/mtd
dev: size erasesize name
mtd0: 00800000 00020000 "00:0c.1"
- in this example, it is mtd device 0. Yours will be different.
Check carefully.
- program the flash
# cat redboot.bin > /dev/mtdblock0
- check the kernel message log for errors (some cat commands don't
error on failure)
# dmesg
- switch S3-1 and S3-2 off
- reboot host
In any case, make sure you do an 'fis init' command once you boot with the new
RedBoot image.
Downloading Linux
Assuming you have your development system setup to act as a bootp/dhcp
server and running tftp:
RedBoot> load -r -b 0xa1008000 /tftpboot/zImage.xs
Raw file loaded 0xa1008000-0xa1094bd8
If you're not using dhcp/tftp, you can use y-modem instead:
RedBoot> load -r -b 0xa1008000 -m y
Note that on Rev D. of the board, tftp does not work due to intermittent
interrupt issues, so you need to download using ymodem.
Once the download is completed:
RedBoot> go 0xa1008000
Root Devices
A kernel is not useful without a root filesystem, and you have several
choices with this board: NFS root, RAMDISK, or JFFS/JFFS2. For development
purposes, it is suggested that you use NFS root for easy access to various
tools. Once you're ready to deploy, probably want to utilize JFFS/JFFS2 on
the flash device.
MTD on the IQ80310
Linux on the IQ80310 supports RedBoot FIS paritioning if it is enabled.
Out of the box, once you've done 'fis init' on RedBoot, you will get
the following partitioning scheme:
root@ cat /proc/mtd
dev: size erasesize name
mtd0: 00040000 00020000 "RedBoot"
mtd1: 00040000 00020000 "RedBoot[backup]"
mtd2: 0075f000 00020000 "unallocated space"
mtd3: 00001000 00020000 "RedBoot config"
mtd4: 00020000 00020000 "FIS directory"
To create an FIS directory, you need to use the fis command in RedBoot.
As an example, you can burn the kernel into the flash once it's downloaded:
RedBoot> fis create -b 0xa1008000 -l 0x8CBAC -r 0xa1008000 -f 0x80000 kernel
... Erase from 0x00080000-0x00120000: .....
... Program from 0xa1008000-0xa1094bac at 0x00080000: .....
... Unlock from 0x007e0000-0x00800000: .
... Erase from 0x007e0000-0x00800000: .
... Program from 0xa1fdf000-0xa1fff000 at 0x007e0000: .
... Lock from 0x007e0000-0x00800000: .
RedBoot> fis list
Name FLASH addr Mem addr Length Entry point
RedBoot 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00040000 0x00000000
RedBoot[backup] 0x00040000 0x00040000 0x00040000 0x00000000
RedBoot config 0x007DF000 0x007DF000 0x00001000 0x00000000
FIS directory 0x007E0000 0x007E0000 0x00020000 0x00000000
kernel 0x00080000 0xA1008000 0x000A0000 0x00000000
This leads to the following Linux MTD setup:
mtroot@ cat /proc/mtd
dev: size erasesize name
mtd0: 00040000 00020000 "RedBoot"
mtd1: 00040000 00020000 "RedBoot[backup]"
mtd2: 000a0000 00020000 "kernel"
mtd3: 006bf000 00020000 "unallocated space"
mtd4: 00001000 00020000 "RedBoot config"
mtd5: 00020000 00020000 "FIS directory"
Note that there is not a 1:1 mapping to the number of RedBoot paritions to
MTD partitions as unused space also gets allocated into MTD partitions.
As an aside, the -r option when creating the Kernel entry allows you to
simply do an 'fis load kernel' to copy the image from flash into memory.
You can then do an 'fis go 0xa1008000' to start Linux.
If you choose to use static partitioning instead of the RedBoot partioning:
/dev/mtd0 0x00000000 - 0x0007ffff: Boot Monitor (512k)
/dev/mtd1 0x00080000 - 0x0011ffff: Kernel Image (640K)
/dev/mtd2 0x00120000 - 0x0071ffff: File System (6M)
/dev/mtd3 0x00720000 - 0x00800000: RedBoot Reserved (896K)
To use a JFFS1/2 root FS, you need to donwload the JFFS image using either
tftp or ymodem, and then copy it to flash:
RedBoot> load -r -b 0xa1000000 /tftpboot/jffs.img
Raw file loaded 0xa1000000-0xa1600000
RedBoot> fis create -b 0xa1000000 -l 0x600000 -f 0x120000 jffs
... Erase from 0x00120000-0x00720000: ..................................
... Program from 0xa1000000-0xa1600000 at 0x00120000: ..................
... Unlock from 0x007e0000-0x00800000: .
... Erase from 0x007e0000-0x00800000: .
... Program from 0xa1fdf000-0xa1fff000 at 0x007e0000: .
... Lock from 0x007e0000-0x00800000: .
RedBoot> fis list
Name FLASH addr Mem addr Length Entry point
RedBoot 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00040000 0x00000000
RedBoot[backup] 0x00040000 0x00040000 0x00040000 0x00000000
RedBoot config 0x007DF000 0x007DF000 0x00001000 0x00000000
FIS directory 0x007E0000 0x007E0000 0x00020000 0x00000000
kernel 0x00080000 0xA1008000 0x000A0000 0xA1008000
jffs 0x00120000 0x00120000 0x00600000 0x00000000
This looks like this in Linux:
root@ cat /proc/mtd
dev: size erasesize name
mtd0: 00040000 00020000 "RedBoot"
mtd1: 00040000 00020000 "RedBoot[backup]"
mtd2: 000a0000 00020000 "kernel"
mtd3: 00600000 00020000 "jffs"
mtd4: 000bf000 00020000 "unallocated space"
mtd5: 00001000 00020000 "RedBoot config"
mtd6: 00020000 00020000 "FIS directory"
You need to boot the kernel once and watch the boot messages to see how the
JFFS RedBoot partition mapped into the MTD partition scheme.
You can grab a pre-built JFFS image to use as a root file system at:
For detailed info on using MTD and creating a JFFS image go to:
For details on using RedBoot's FIS commands, type 'fis help' or consult
your RedBoot manual.
Thanks to Intel Corporation for providing the hardware.
John Clark <> - Initial discovery of RedBoot issues
Dave Jiang <> - IRQ demux fixes, AAU, DMA, MU
Nicolas Pitre <> - Initial port, cleanup, debugging
Matt Porter <> - PCI subsystem development, debugging
Tim Sanders <> - Initial PCI code
Mark Salter <> - RedBoot fixes
Deepak Saxena <> - Cleanup, debug, cache lock, PMU
If you have any problems please contact Deepak Saxena <>
A few notes from rmk
These are notes of my initial experience getting the IQ80310 Rev D up and
running. In total, it has taken many hours to work out what's going on...
The version of redboot used is:
RedBoot(tm) bootstrap and debug environment, version UNKNOWN - built 14:58:21, Aug 15 2001
1. I've had a corrupted download of the redboot.bin file from Montavista's
FTP site. It would be a good idea if there were md5sums, sum or gpg
signatures available to ensure the integrity of the downloaded files.
The result of this was an apparantly 100% dead card.
2. RedBoot Intel EtherExpress Pro 100 driver seems to be very unstable -
I've had it take out the whole of a 100mbit network for several minutes.
The Hub indiates ZERO activity, despite machines attempting to communicate.
Further to this, while tftping the kernel, the transfer will stall regularly,
and might even drop the link LED.
3. There appears to be a bug in the Intel Documentation Pack that comes with
the IQ80310 board. Serial port 1, which is the socket next to the LEDs
is address 0xfe810000, not 0xfe800000.
Note that RedBoot uses either serial port 1 OR serial port 2, so if you
have your console connected to the wrong port, you'll see redboot messages
but not kernel boot messages.
4. Trying to use fconfig to setup a boot script fails - it hangs when trying
to erase the flash.
......@@ -966,7 +966,7 @@ dirty_background_ratio
Contains, as a percentage of total system memory, the number of pages at which
the pdflush background writeback daemon will start writing out dirty data.
Contains, as a percentage of total system memory, the number of pages at which
......@@ -18,14 +18,14 @@ files can be found in mm/swap.c.
Currently, these files are in /proc/sys/vm:
- overcommit_memory
- page-cluster
- dirty_async_ratio
- dirty_ratio
- dirty_background_ratio
- dirty_expire_centisecs
- dirty_writeback_centisecs
dirty_async_ratio, dirty_background_ratio, dirty_expire_centisecs,
dirty_ratio, dirty_background_ratio, dirty_expire_centisecs,
See Documentation/filesystems/proc.txt
......@@ -1592,6 +1592,11 @@ P: Julien Blache
S: Maintained
P: Romain Lievin
S: Maintained
P: Stephane Dalton
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
# Copyright (C) 1995-2001 by Russell King
OBJCOPYFLAGS :=-O binary -R .note -R .comment -S
#CFLAGS +=-pipe
......@@ -50,18 +51,29 @@ tune-$(CONFIG_CPU_SA110) :=-mtune=strongarm110
tune-$(CONFIG_CPU_SA1100) :=-mtune=strongarm1100
tune-$(CONFIG_CPU_XSCALE) :=-mtune=strongarm #-mtune=xscale
CFLAGS_BOOT :=$(apcs-y) $(arch-y) $(tune-y) -mshort-load-bytes -msoft-float
CFLAGS +=$(apcs-y) $(arch-y) $(tune-y) -mshort-load-bytes -msoft-float
AFLAGS +=$(apcs-y) $(arch-y) -mno-fpu -msoft-float
# Force -mno-fpu to be passed to the assembler. Some versions of gcc don't
# do this with -msoft-float
CFLAGS_BOOT :=$(apcs-y) $(arch-y) $(tune-y) -mshort-load-bytes -msoft-float -Wa,-mno-fpu
CFLAGS +=$(apcs-y) $(arch-y) $(tune-y) -mshort-load-bytes -msoft-float -Wa,-mno-fpu
AFLAGS +=$(apcs-y) $(arch-y) -mno-fpu -msoft-float -Wa,-mno-fpu
ifeq ($(CONFIG_CPU_26),y)
HEAD := arch/arm/mach-arc/head.o arch/arm/kernel/init_task.o
DATAADDR = 0x02080000
TEXTADDR = 0x03800000
LDSCRIPT = arch/arm/
TEXTADDR = 0x02080000
LDSCRIPT = arch/arm/
ifeq ($(CONFIG_CPU_32),y)
HEAD := arch/arm/kernel/head.o arch/arm/kernel/init_task.o
TEXTADDR = 0xC0008000
ifeq ($(CONFIG_ARCH_ARCA5K),y)
......@@ -175,7 +187,7 @@ core-$(CONFIG_FPE_NWFPE) += arch/arm/nwfpe/
drivers-$(CONFIG_ARCH_CLPS7500) += drivers/acorn/char/
drivers-$(CONFIG_ARCH_L7200)) += drivers/acorn/char/
drivers-$(CONFIG_ARCH_L7200) += drivers/acorn/char/
libs-y += arch/arm/lib/
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ ZLDFLAGS = -p -X -T
OBJS += ll_char_wr.o font.o
ZLDFLAGS += -defsym params=$(PARAMS_PHYS)
......@@ -55,6 +55,18 @@
.macro writeb, rb
strb \rb, [r3, #0]
#elif defined(CONFIG_ARCH_SA1100)
.macro loadsp, rb
mov \rb, #0x80000000 @ physical base address
# if defined(CONFIG_DEBUG_LL_SER3)
add \rb, \rb, #0x00050000 @ Ser3
# else
add \rb, \rb, #0x00010000 @ Ser1
# endif
.macro writeb, rb
str \rb, [r3, #0x14] @ UTDR
#error no serial architecture defined
......@@ -151,22 +163,55 @@ not_angel:
ldmia r0, {r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, ip, sp}
subs r0, r0, r1 @ calculate the delta offset
teq r0, #0 @ if delta is zero, we're
@ if delta is zero, we're
beq not_relocated @ running at the address we
@ were linked at.
add r2, r2, r0 @ different address, so we
add r3, r3, r0 @ need to fix up various
add r5, r5, r0 @ pointers.
* We're running at a different address. We need to fix
* up various pointers:
* r5 - zImage base address
* r6 - GOT start
* ip - GOT end
add r5, r5, r0
add r6, r6, r0
add ip, ip, r0
* If we're running fully PIC === CONFIG_ZBOOT_ROM = n,
* we need to fix up pointers into the BSS region.
* r2 - BSS start
* r3 - BSS end
* sp - stack pointer
add r2, r2, r0
add r3, r3, r0
add sp, sp, r0
* Relocate all entries in the GOT table.
1: ldr r1, [r6, #0] @ relocate entries in the GOT
add r1, r1, r0 @ table. This fixes up the
str r1, [r6], #4 @ C references.
cmp r6, ip
blo 1b
* Relocate entries in the GOT table. We only relocate
* the entries that are outside the (relocated) BSS region.
1: ldr r1, [r6, #0] @ relocate entries in the GOT
cmp r1, r2 @ entry < bss_start ||
cmphs r3, r1 @ _end < entry
addlo r1, r1, r0 @ table. This fixes up the
str r1, [r6], #4 @ C references.
cmp r6, ip
blo 1b
not_relocated: mov r0, #0
1: str r0, [r2], #4 @ clear bss
......@@ -176,6 +221,11 @@ not_relocated: mov r0, #0
cmp r2, r3
blo 1b
* The C runtime environment should now be setup
* sufficiently. Turn the cache on, set up some
* pointers, and start decompressing.
bl cache_on
mov r1, sp @ malloc space above stack
......@@ -19,144 +19,116 @@
#include <linux/linkage.h>
#include <asm/assembler.h>
#define BOLD 0x01
#define ITALIC 0x02
#define UNDERLINE 0x04
#define FLASH 0x08
#define INVERSE 0x10
LC0: .word bytes_per_char_h
.word video_size_row
.word acorndata_8x8
.word con_charconvtable
LC0: .word LC0
.word bytes_per_char_h
.word video_size_row
.word acorndata_8x8
.word con_charconvtable
* r0 = ptr
* r1 = char
* r2 = white
stmfd sp!, {r4 - r7, lr}
stmfd sp!, {r4 - r7, lr}
@ Smashable regs: {r0 - r3}, [r4 - r7], (r8 - fp), [ip], (sp), [lr], (pc)
eor ip, r1, #UNDERLINE << 9
* calculate colours
tst r1, #INVERSE << 9
moveq r2, r1, lsr #16
moveq r3, r1, lsr #24
movne r2, r1, lsr #24
movne r3, r1, lsr #16
and r3, r3, #255
and r2, r2, #255
* calculate offset into character table
mov r1, r1, lsl #23
mov r1, r1, lsr #20
* calculate offset required for each row [maybe I should make this an argument to this fn.
* Have to see what the register usage is like in the calling routines.
adr r4, LC0
ldmia r4, {r4, r5, r6, lr}
ldr r4, [r4]
ldr r5, [r5]
* Go to resolution-dependent routine...
cmp r4, #4
blt Lrow1bpp
eor r2, r3, r2 @ Create eor mask to change colour from bg
orr r3, r3, r3, lsl #8 @ to fg.
orr r3, r3, r3, lsl #16
add r0, r0, r5, lsl #3 @ Move to bottom of character
add r1, r1, #7
ldrb r7, [r6, r1]
tst ip, #UNDERLINE << 9
eoreq r7, r7, #255
teq r4, #8
beq Lrow8bpplp
* calculate offset into character table
mov r1, r1, lsl #3
* calculate offset required for each row.
adr ip, LC0
ldmia ip, {r3, r4, r5, r6, lr}
sub ip, ip, r3
add r6, r6, ip
add lr, lr, ip
ldr r4, [r4, ip]
ldr r5, [r5, ip]
* Go to resolution-dependent routine...
cmp r4, #4
blt Lrow1bpp
add r0, r0, r5, lsl #3 @ Move to bottom of character
orr r1, r1, #7
ldrb r7, [r6, r1]
teq r4, #8
beq Lrow8bpplp
@ Smashable regs: {r0 - r3}, [r4], {r5 - r7}, (r8 - fp), [ip], (sp), {lr}, (pc)
orr r3, r3, r3, lsl #4
Lrow4bpplp: ldr r7, [lr, r7, lsl #2]
mul r7, r2, r7
tst r1, #7 @ avoid using r7 directly after
eor ip, r3, r7
str ip, [r0, -r5]!
LOADREGS(eqfd, sp!, {r4 - r7, pc})
sub r1, r1, #1
ldrb r7, [r6, r1]
ldr r7, [lr, r7, lsl #2]
mul r7, r2, r7
tst r1, #7 @ avoid using r7 directly after
eor ip, r3, r7
str ip, [r0, -r5]!
subne r1, r1, #1
ldrneb r7, [r6, r1]
bne Lrow4bpplp
LOADREGS(fd, sp!, {r4 - r7, pc})
ldr r7, [lr, r7, lsl #2]
mul r7, r2, r7
sub r1, r1, #1 @ avoid using r7 directly after
str r7, [r0, -r5]!
ldrb r7, [r6, r1]
ldr r7, [lr, r7, lsl #2]
mul r7, r2, r7
tst r1, #7 @ avoid using r7 directly after
str r7, [r0, -r5]!
subne r1, r1, #1
ldrneb r7, [r6, r1]
bne Lrow4bpplp
LOADREGS(fd, sp!, {r4 - r7, pc})
@ Smashable regs: {r0 - r3}, [r4], {r5 - r7}, (r8 - fp), [ip], (sp), {lr}, (pc)
Lrow8bpplp: mov ip, r7, lsr #4
ldr ip, [lr, ip, lsl #2]
mul r4, r2, ip
and ip, r7, #15 @ avoid r4
ldr ip, [lr, ip, lsl #2] @ avoid r4
mul ip, r2, ip @ avoid r4
eor r4, r3, r4 @ avoid ip
tst r1, #7 @ avoid ip
sub r0, r0, r5 @ avoid ip
eor ip, r3, ip
stmia r0, {r4, ip}
LOADREGS(eqfd, sp!, {r4 - r7, pc})
sub r1, r1, #1
ldrb r7, [r6, r1]
mov ip, r7, lsr #4
ldr ip, [lr, ip, lsl #2]
mul r4, r2, ip
and ip, r7, #15 @ avoid r4
ldr ip, [lr, ip, lsl #2] @ avoid r4
mul ip, r2, ip @ avoid r4
eor r4, r3, r4 @ avoid ip
tst r1, #7 @ avoid ip
sub r0, r0, r5 @ avoid ip
eor ip, r3, ip
stmia r0, {r4, ip}
subne r1, r1, #1
ldrneb r7, [r6, r1]
bne Lrow8bpplp
LOADREGS(fd, sp!, {r4 - r7, pc})
mov ip, r7, lsr #4
ldr ip, [lr, ip, lsl #2]
mul r4, r2, ip
and ip, r7, #15 @ avoid r4
ldr ip, [lr, ip, lsl #2] @ avoid r4
mul ip, r2, ip @ avoid r4
sub r1, r1, #1 @ avoid ip
sub r0, r0, r5 @ avoid ip
stmia r0, {r4, ip}
ldrb r7, [r6, r1]
mov ip, r7, lsr #4
ldr ip, [lr, ip, lsl #2]
mul r4, r2, ip
and ip, r7, #15 @ avoid r4
ldr ip, [lr, ip, lsl #2] @ avoid r4
mul ip, r2, ip @ avoid r4
tst r1, #7 @ avoid ip
sub r0, r0, r5 @ avoid ip
stmia r0, {r4, ip}
subne r1, r1, #1
ldrneb r7, [r6, r1]
bne Lrow8bpplp
LOADREGS(fd, sp!, {r4 - r7, pc})
@ Smashable regs: {r0 - r3}, [r4], {r5, r6}, [r7], (r8 - fp), [ip], (sp), [lr], (pc)
Lrow1bpp: add r6, r6, r1
ldmia r6, {r4, r7}
tst ip, #INVERSE << 9
mvnne r4, r4
mvnne r7, r7
strb r4, [r0], r5
mov r4, r4, lsr #8
strb r4, [r0], r5
mov r4, r4, lsr #8
strb r4, [r0], r5
mov r4, r4, lsr #8
strb r4, [r0], r5
strb r7, [r0], r5
mov r7, r7, lsr #8
strb r7, [r0], r5
mov r7, r7, lsr #8
strb r7, [r0], r5
mov r7, r7, lsr #8
tst ip, #UNDERLINE << 9
mvneq r7, r7
strb r7, [r0], r5
LOADREGS(fd, sp!, {r4 - r7, pc})
add r6, r6, r1
ldmia r6, {r4, r7}
strb r4, [r0], r5
mov r4, r4, lsr #8
strb r4, [r0], r5
mov r4, r4, lsr #8
strb r4, [r0], r5
mov r4, r4, lsr #8
strb r4, [r0], r5
strb r7, [r0], r5
mov r7, r7, lsr #8
strb r7, [r0], r5
mov r7, r7, lsr #8
strb r7, [r0], r5
mov r7, r7, lsr #8
strb r7, [r0], r5
LOADREGS(fd, sp!, {r4 - r7, pc})
.space 1024
.space 1024
......@@ -94,6 +94,8 @@ if [ "$CONFIG_ASSABET_NEPONSET" = "y" -o \
"$CONFIG_SA1100_XP860" = "y" ]; then
define_bool CONFIG_SA1111 y
define_bool CONFIG_SA1111 n
comment 'Processor Type'
......@@ -231,6 +233,8 @@ if [ "$CONFIG_CPU_ARM720T" = "y" -o "$CONFIG_CPU_ARM920T" = "y" -o \
"$CONFIG_CPU_ARM922T" = "y" -o "$CONFIG_CPU_ARM926T" = "y" -o \
"$CONFIG_CPU_ARM1020" = "y" -o "$CONFIG_CPU_XSCALE" = "y" ]; then
define_bool CONFIG_ARM_THUMB n
if [ "$CONFIG_CPU_ARM920T" = "y" -o "$CONFIG_CPU_ARM922T" = "y" -o \
"$CONFIG_CPU_ARM926T" = "y" -o "$CONFIG_CPU_ARM1020" = "y" ]; then
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <asm/elf.h>
#include <asm/page.h>
#include <asm/setup.h>
#include <asm/mach-types.h>
#include <asm/mach/arch.h>
......@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ void pcibios_align_resource(void *data, struct resource *res,
* pcibios_enable_device - Enable I/O and memory.
* @dev: PCI device to be enabled
int pcibios_enable_device(struct pci_dev *dev)
int pcibios_enable_device(struct pci_dev *dev, int mask)
u16 cmd, old_cmd;
int idx;
......@@ -608,6 +608,10 @@ int pcibios_enable_device(struct pci_dev *dev)
pci_read_config_word(dev, PCI_COMMAND, &cmd);
old_cmd = cmd;
for (idx = 0; idx < 6; idx++) {
/* Only set up the requested stuff */
if (!(mask & (1 << idx)))
r = dev->resource + idx;
if (!r->start && r->end) {
printk(KERN_ERR "PCI: Device %s not available because"
......@@ -626,3 +630,29 @@ int pcibios_enable_device(struct pci_dev *dev)
return 0;
int pci_mmap_page_range(struct pci_dev *dev, struct vm_area_struct *vma,
enum pci_mmap_state mmap_state, int write_combine)
struct pci_sys_data *root = dev->sysdata;
unsigned long prot, phys;
if (mmap_state == pci_mmap_io) {
return -EINVAL;
} else {
phys = root->mem_offset + (vma->vm_pgoff << PAGE_SHIFT);
* Mark this as IO
vma->vm_flags |= VM_SHM | VM_LOCKED | VM_IO;
vma->vm_page_prot = pgprot_noncached(vma->vm_page_prot);
if (remap_page_range(vma, vma->vm_start, phys,
vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start,
return -EAGAIN;
return 0;
......@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
#include <linux/notifier.h>
#include <linux/device.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <asm/dma.h>
......@@ -48,6 +49,7 @@
#include <asm/pgalloc.h>
#include <asm/mmu_context.h>
#include <asm/mach/irq.h>
#include <asm/tlbflush.h>
......@@ -92,6 +94,8 @@ ecard_loader_reset(volatile unsigned char *pa, loader_t loader);
asmlinkage extern int
ecard_loader_read(int off, volatile unsigned char *pa, loader_t loader);
static const struct ecard_id *
ecard_match_device(const struct ecard_id *ids, struct expansion_card *ec);
static inline unsigned short
ecard_getu16(unsigned char *v)
......@@ -969,6 +973,14 @@ ecard_probe(int slot, card_type_t type)
*ecp = ec;
slot_to_expcard[slot] = ec;
snprintf(ec->dev.bus_id, sizeof(ec->dev.bus_id), "ecard%d", slot);
strcpy(ec->, "fixme!");
ec->dev.parent = NULL;
ec->dev.bus = &ecard_bus_type;
return 0;
......@@ -995,22 +1007,17 @@ ecard_t *ecard_find(int cid, const card_ids *cids)
if (finding_pos->claimed)
if (finding_pos->dev.driver)
if (!cids) {
if ((finding_pos-> ^ cid) == 0)
} else {
unsigned int manufacturer, product;
int i;
manufacturer = finding_pos->cid.manufacturer;
product = finding_pos->cid.product;
for (i = 0; cids[i].manufacturer != 65535; i++)
if (manufacturer == cids[i].manufacturer &&
product == cids[i].product)
const struct ecard_id *id;
if (cids[i].manufacturer != 65535)
id = ecard_match_device(cids, finding_pos);
if (id)
......@@ -1023,7 +1030,7 @@ ecard_t *ecard_find(int cid, const card_ids *cids)
* Locate all hardware - interrupt management and
* actual cards.
void __init ecard_init(void)
static int __init ecard_init(void)
int slot, irqhw;
......@@ -1053,11 +1060,96 @@ void __init ecard_init(void)
irqhw ? ecard_irqexp_handler : ecard_irq_handler);
return 0;
* ECARD "bus"
static const struct ecard_id *
ecard_match_device(const struct ecard_id *ids, struct expansion_card *ec)
int i;
for (i = 0; ids[i].manufacturer != 65535; i++)
if (ec->cid.manufacturer == ids[i].manufacturer &&
ec->cid.product == ids[i].product)
return ids + i;
return NULL;
static int ecard_drv_probe(struct device *dev)
struct expansion_card *ec = ECARD_DEV(dev);
struct ecard_driver *drv = ECARD_DRV(dev->driver);
const struct ecard_id *id;
id = ecard_match_device(drv->id_table, ec);
return drv->probe(ec, id);
static int ecard_drv_remove(struct device *dev)
struct expansion_card *ec = ECARD_DEV(dev);
struct ecard_driver *drv = ECARD_DRV(dev->driver);
return 0;
int ecard_register_driver(struct ecard_driver *drv)
drv->drv.bus = &ecard_bus_type;
drv->drv.probe = ecard_drv_probe;
drv->drv.remove = ecard_drv_remove;
return driver_register(&drv->drv);
void ecard_remove_driver(struct ecard_driver *drv)
static int ecard_match(struct device *_dev, struct device_driver *_drv)
struct expansion_card *ec = ECARD_DEV(_dev);
struct ecard_driver *drv = ECARD_DRV(_drv);
int ret;
if (drv->id_table) {
ret = ecard_match_device(drv->id_table, ec) != NULL;
} else {
ret = ec-> == drv->id;
return ret;
struct bus_type ecard_bus_type = {
.name = "ecard",
.match = ecard_match,
static int ecard_bus_init(void)
return bus_register(&ecard_bus_type);
......@@ -189,11 +189,10 @@ irq_prio_ld: .byte 40,40,41,40,42,42,42,42,43,43,43,43,43,43,43,43
.macro get_irqnr_and_base, irqnr, irqstat, base, tmp
mov r4, #0xe0000000
orr r4, r4, #0x20
mov \irqstat, #0x0C
strb \irqstat, [r4] @outb(0x0C, 0x20) /* Poll command */
ldrb \irqnr, [r4] @irq = inb(0x20) & 7
strb \irqstat, [r4, #0x20] @outb(0x0C, 0x20) /* Poll command */
ldrb \irqnr, [r4, #0x10] @irq = inb(0x20) & 7
and \irqstat, \irqnr, #0x80
teq \irqstat, #0
beq 43f
......@@ -201,8 +200,8 @@ irq_prio_ld: .byte 40,40,41,40,42,42,42,42,43,43,43,43,43,43,43,43
teq \irqnr, #2
bne 44f
43: mov \irqstat, #0x0C
strb \irqstat, [r4, #0x80] @outb(0x0C, 0xA0) /* Poll command */
ldrb \irqnr, [r4, #0x80] @irq = (inb(0xA0) & 7) + 8
strb \irqstat, [r4, #0xa0] @outb(0x0C, 0xA0) /* Poll command */
ldrb \irqnr, [r4, #0xa0] @irq = (inb(0xA0) & 7) + 8
and \irqstat, \irqnr, #0x80
teq \irqstat, #0
beq 44f
......@@ -655,7 +654,7 @@ __und_invalid: sub sp, sp, #S_FRAME_SIZE
and r2, r6, #31 @ int mode
b bad_mode
#if 1 /* defined CONFIG_FPE_NWFPE || defined CONFIG_FPE_FASTFPE */
/* The FPE is always present */
.equ fpe_not_present, fpundefinstr
......@@ -766,6 +765,8 @@ preempt_return:
msr spsr, r0
ldmia sp, {r0 - pc}^ @ load r0 - pc, cpsr
svc_preempt: teq r9, #0 @ was preempt count = 0
ldreq r6, .LCirq_stat
......@@ -902,6 +903,8 @@ __irq_usr: sub sp, sp, #S_FRAME_SIZE
mov why, #0
b ret_to_user
.align 5
__und_usr: sub sp, sp, #S_FRAME_SIZE @ Allocate frame size in one go
stmia sp, {r0 - r12} @ Save r0 - r12
......@@ -367,8 +367,8 @@ void dump_thread(struct pt_regs * regs, struct user * dump)
dump->u_debugreg[0] = tsk->thread.debug.bp[0].address;
dump->u_debugreg[1] = tsk->thread.debug.bp[1].address;
dump->u_debugreg[2] = tsk->thread.debug.bp[0].insn;
dump->u_debugreg[3] = tsk->thread.debug.bp[1].insn;
dump->u_debugreg[2] = tsk->thread.debug.bp[0].insn.arm;
dump->u_debugreg[3] = tsk->thread.debug.bp[1].insn.arm;
dump->u_debugreg[4] = tsk->thread.debug.nsaved;
if (dump->start_stack < 0x04000000)
......@@ -32,10 +32,24 @@
* in exit.c or in signal.c.
#if 1
* Breakpoint SWI instruction: SWI &9F0001
#define BREAKINST_ARM 0xef9f0001
#define BREAKINST_THUMB 0xdf00 /* fill this in later */
* New breakpoints - use an undefined instruction. The ARM architecture
* reference manual guarantees that the following instruction space
* will produce an undefined instruction exception on all CPUs:
* ARM: xxxx 0111 1111 xxxx xxxx xxxx 1111 xxxx
* Thumb: 1101 1110 xxxx xxxx
#define BREAKINST_ARM 0xe7f001f0
#define BREAKINST_THUMB 0xde01
* Get the address of the live pt_regs for the specified task.
......@@ -89,23 +103,32 @@ put_user_reg(struct task_struct *task, int offset, long data)
static inline int
read_tsk_long(struct task_struct *child, unsigned long addr, unsigned long *res)
read_u32(struct task_struct *task, unsigned long addr, u32 *res)
int copied;
int ret;
copied = access_process_vm(child, addr, res, sizeof(*res), 0);
ret = access_process_vm(task, addr, res, sizeof(*res), 0);
return copied != sizeof(*res) ? -EIO : 0;
return ret == sizeof(*res) ? 0 : -EIO;
static inline int
write_tsk_long(struct task_struct *child, unsigned long addr, unsigned long val)
read_instr(struct task_struct *task, unsigned long addr, u32 *res)
int copied;
copied = access_process_vm(child, addr, &val, sizeof(val), 1);
int ret;
return copied != sizeof(val) ? -EIO : 0;
if (addr & 1) {
u16 val;
ret = access_process_vm(task, addr & ~1, &val, sizeof(val), 0);
ret = ret == sizeof(val) ? 0 : -EIO;
*res = val;
} else {
u32 val;
ret = access_process_vm(task, addr & ~3, &val, sizeof(val), 0);
ret = ret == sizeof(val) ? 0 : -EIO;
*res = val;
return ret;
......@@ -206,7 +229,7 @@ ptrace_getldrop2(struct task_struct *child, unsigned long insn)
static unsigned long
get_branch_address(struct task_struct *child, unsigned long pc, unsigned long insn)
unsigned long alt = 0;
u32 alt = 0;
switch (insn & 0x0e000000) {
case 0x00000000:
......@@ -262,7 +285,7 @@ get_branch_address(struct task_struct *child, unsigned long pc, unsigned long in
base -= aluop2;
if (read_tsk_long(child, base, &alt) == 0)
if (read_u32(child, base, &alt) == 0)
alt = pc_pointer(alt);
......@@ -289,7 +312,7 @@ get_branch_address(struct task_struct *child, unsigned long pc, unsigned long in
base = ptrace_getrn(child, insn);
if (read_tsk_long(child, base + nr_regs, &alt) == 0)
if (read_u32(child, base + nr_regs, &alt) == 0)
alt = pc_pointer(alt);
......@@ -319,30 +342,71 @@ get_branch_address(struct task_struct *child, unsigned long pc, unsigned long in
static int
add_breakpoint(struct task_struct *child, struct debug_info *dbg, unsigned long addr)
swap_insn(struct task_struct *task, unsigned long addr,
void *old_insn, void *new_insn, int size)
int ret;
ret = access_process_vm(task, addr, old_insn, size, 0);
if (ret == size)
ret = access_process_vm(task, addr, new_insn, size, 1);
return ret;
static void
add_breakpoint(struct task_struct *task, struct debug_info *dbg, unsigned long addr)
int nr = dbg->nsaved;
int res = -EINVAL;
if (nr < 2) {
res = read_tsk_long(child, addr, &dbg->bp[nr].insn);
if (res == 0)
res = write_tsk_long(child, addr, BREAKINST_ARM);
u32 new_insn = BREAKINST_ARM;
int res;
if (res == 0) {
res = swap_insn(task, addr, &dbg->bp[nr].insn, &new_insn, 4);
if (res == 4) {
dbg->bp[nr].address = addr;
dbg->nsaved += 1;
} else
printk(KERN_ERR "ptrace: too many breakpoints\n");
* Clear one breakpoint in the user program. We copy what the hardware
* does and use bit 0 of the address to indicate whether this is a Thumb
* breakpoint or an ARM breakpoint.
static void clear_breakpoint(struct task_struct *task, struct debug_entry *bp)
unsigned long addr = bp->address;
union debug_insn old_insn;
int ret;
if (addr & 1) {
ret = swap_insn(task, addr & ~1, &old_insn.thumb,
&bp->insn.thumb, 2);
return res;
if (ret != 2 || old_insn.thumb != BREAKINST_THUMB)
printk(KERN_ERR "%s:%d: corrupted Thumb breakpoint at "
"0x%08lx (0x%04x)\n", task->comm, task->pid,
addr, old_insn.thumb);
} else {
ret = swap_insn(task, addr & ~3, &old_insn.arm,
&bp->insn.arm, 4);
if (ret != 4 || old_insn.arm != BREAKINST_ARM)
printk(KERN_ERR "%s:%d: corrupted ARM breakpoint at "
"0x%08lx (0x%08x)\n", task->comm, task->pid,
addr, old_insn.arm);
void ptrace_set_bpt(struct task_struct *child)
struct pt_regs *regs;
unsigned long pc, insn;
unsigned long pc;
u32 insn;
int res;
regs = get_user_regs(child);
......@@ -353,7 +417,7 @@ void ptrace_set_bpt(struct task_struct *child)
res = read_tsk_long(child, pc, &insn);
res = read_instr(child, pc, &insn);
if (!res) {
struct debug_info *dbg = &child->thread.debug;
unsigned long alt;
......@@ -362,7 +426,7 @@ void ptrace_set_bpt(struct task_struct *child)
alt = get_branch_address(child, pc, insn);
if (alt)
res = add_breakpoint(child, dbg, alt);
add_breakpoint(child, dbg, alt);
* Note that we ignore the result of setting the above
......@@ -374,7 +438,7 @@ void ptrace_set_bpt(struct task_struct *child)
* loose control of the thread during single stepping.
if (!alt || predicate(insn) != PREDICATE_ALWAYS)
res = add_breakpoint(child, dbg, pc + 4);
add_breakpoint(child, dbg, pc + 4);
......@@ -384,24 +448,17 @@ void ptrace_set_bpt(struct task_struct *child)
void __ptrace_cancel_bpt(struct task_struct *child)
struct debug_info *dbg = &child->thread.debug;
int i, nsaved = dbg->nsaved;
int i, nsaved = child->thread.debug.nsaved;
dbg->nsaved = 0;
child->thread.debug.nsaved = 0;
if (nsaved > 2) {
printk("ptrace_cancel_bpt: bogus nsaved: %d!\n", nsaved);
nsaved = 2;
for (i = 0; i < nsaved; i++) {
unsigned long tmp;
read_tsk_long(child, dbg->bp[i].address, &tmp);
write_tsk_long(child, dbg->bp[i].address, dbg->bp[i].insn);
if (tmp != BREAKINST_ARM)
printk(KERN_ERR "ptrace_cancel_bpt: weirdness\n");
for (i = 0; i < nsaved; i++)
clear_breakpoint(child, &child->thread.debug.bp[i]);
......@@ -537,9 +594,12 @@ static int do_ptrace(int request, struct task_struct *child, long addr, long dat
ret = read_tsk_long(child, addr, &tmp);
if (!ret)
ret = access_process_vm(child, addr, &tmp,
sizeof(unsigned long), 0);
if (ret == sizeof(unsigned long))
ret = put_user(tmp, (unsigned long *) data);
ret = -EIO;
......@@ -551,7 +611,12 @@ static int do_ptrace(int request, struct task_struct *child, long addr, long dat
ret = write_tsk_long(child, addr, data);
ret = access_process_vm(child, addr, &data,
sizeof(unsigned long), 1);
if (ret == sizeof(unsigned long))
ret = 0;
ret = -EIO;
......@@ -193,26 +193,25 @@ static inline void dump_cache(const char *prefix, unsigned int cache)
static inline void dump_cpu_cache_id(void)
static void __init dump_cpu_info(void)
unsigned int cache_info;
unsigned int info;
asm("mrc p15, 0, %0, c0, c0, 1" : "=r" (cache_info));
asm("mrc p15, 0, %0, c0, c0, 1" : "=r" (info));
if (cache_info == processor_id)
printk("CPU: D %s cache\n", cache_types[CACHE_TYPE(cache_info)]);
if (CACHE_S(cache_info)) {
dump_cache("CPU: I cache", CACHE_ISIZE(cache_info));
dump_cache("CPU: D cache", CACHE_DSIZE(cache_info));
} else {
dump_cache("CPU: cache", CACHE_ISIZE(cache_info));
if (info != processor_id) {
printk("CPU: D %s cache\n", cache_types[CACHE_TYPE(info)]);
if (CACHE_S(info)) {
dump_cache("CPU: I cache", CACHE_ISIZE(info));
dump_cache("CPU: D cache", CACHE_DSIZE(info));
} else {
dump_cache("CPU: cache", CACHE_ISIZE(info));
#define dump_cpu_cache_id() do { } while (0)
#define dump_cpu_info() do { } while (0)
static void __init setup_processor(void)
......@@ -255,7 +254,7 @@ static void __init setup_processor(void)
proc_info.manufacturer, proc_info.cpu_name,
(int)processor_id & 15);
sprintf(system_utsname.machine, "%s%c", list->arch_name, ENDIANNESS);
sprintf(elf_platform, "%s%c", list->elf_name, ENDIANNESS);
......@@ -59,11 +59,11 @@ asmlinkage int sys_sigsuspend(int restart, unsigned long oldmask, old_sigset_t m
sigset_t saveset;
mask &= _BLOCKABLE;
saveset = current->blocked;
siginitset(&current->blocked, mask);
regs->ARM_r0 = -EINTR;
while (1) {
......@@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ sys_rt_sigsuspend(sigset_t *unewset, size_t sigsetsize, struct pt_regs *regs)
return -EFAULT;
sigdelsetmask(&newset, ~_BLOCKABLE);
saveset = current->blocked;
current->blocked = newset;
regs->ARM_r0 = -EINTR;
while (1) {
......@@ -207,10 +207,10 @@ asmlinkage int sys_sigreturn(struct pt_regs *regs)
goto badframe;
sigdelsetmask(&set, ~_BLOCKABLE);
current->blocked = set;
if (restore_sigcontext(regs, &frame->sc))
goto badframe;
......@@ -247,10 +247,10 @@ asmlinkage int sys_rt_sigreturn(struct pt_regs *regs)
goto badframe;
sigdelsetmask(&set, ~_BLOCKABLE);
current->blocked = set;
if (restore_sigcontext(regs, &frame->uc.uc_mcontext))
goto badframe;
......@@ -477,12 +477,12 @@ handle_signal(unsigned long sig, struct k_sigaction *ka,
ka->sa.sa_handler = SIG_DFL;
if (!(ka->sa.sa_flags & SA_NODEFER)) {
sigorsets(&tsk->blocked, &tsk->blocked,
sigaddset(&tsk->blocked, sig);
......@@ -520,20 +520,10 @@ static int do_signal(sigset_t *oldset, struct pt_regs *regs, int syscall)
for (;;) {
unsigned long signr = 0;
struct k_sigaction *ka;
sigset_t *mask = &current->blocked;
if (current->sig->shared_pending.head) {
signr = dequeue_signal(&current->sig->shared_pending, mask, &info);
if (!signr) {
signr = dequeue_signal(&current->pending, mask, &info);
signr = dequeue_signal(&current->blocked, &info);
if (!signr)
......@@ -25,44 +25,37 @@ extern unsigned long (*gettimeoffset)(void);
static unsigned long ioctime_gettimeoffset(void)
unsigned int count1, count2, status1, status2;
unsigned long offset = 0;
unsigned int count1, count2, status;
long offset;
status1 = ioc_readb(IOC_IRQREQA);
barrier ();
ioc_writeb (0, IOC_T0LATCH);
barrier ();
count1 = ioc_readb(IOC_T0CNTL) | (ioc_readb(IOC_T0CNTH) << 8);
barrier ();
status2 = ioc_readb(IOC_IRQREQA);
status = ioc_readb(IOC_IRQREQA);
barrier ();
ioc_writeb (0, IOC_T0LATCH);
barrier ();
count2 = ioc_readb(IOC_T0CNTL) | (ioc_readb(IOC_T0CNTH) << 8);
offset = count2;
if (count2 < count1) {
* This means that we haven't just had an interrupt
* while reading into status2.
* We have not had an interrupt between reading count1
* and count2.
if (status2 & (1 << 5))
offset = tick;
count1 = count2;
if (status & (1 << 5))
offset -= LATCH;
} else if (count2 > count1) {
* We have just had another interrupt while reading
* status2.
* We have just had another interrupt between reading
* count1 and count2.
offset += tick;
count1 = count2;
offset -= LATCH;
count1 = LATCH - count1;
* count1 = number of clock ticks since last interrupt
offset += count1 * tick / LATCH;
return offset;
offset = (LATCH - offset) * (tick_nsec / 1000);
return (offset + LATCH/2) / LATCH;
void __init ioctime_init(void)
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