media: vidtv: improve EIT data

Place some text at EIT data, and use ISO 8859-15 encoding for
the German letter "ü" (u mit umlat) letter.
Signed-off-by: default avatarMauro Carvalho Chehab <>
parent ec3eda53
......@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ struct vidtv_channel
*vidtv_channel_s302m_init(struct vidtv_channel *head, u16 transport_stream_id)
const __be32 s302m_fid = cpu_to_be32(VIDTV_S302M_FORMAT_IDENTIFIER);
char *event_text = ENCODING_ISO8859_15 "Beethoven's Für Elise";
char *event_name = ENCODING_ISO8859_15 "Beethoven Music";
char *event_text = ENCODING_ISO8859_15 "Bagatelle No. 25 in A minor for solo piano, also known as F\xfcr Elise, composed by Ludwig van Beethoven";
char *event_name = ENCODING_ISO8859_15 "Ludwig van Beethoven: F\xfcr Elise";
struct vidtv_s302m_encoder_init_args encoder_args = {};
char *iso_language_code = ENCODING_ISO8859_15 "eng";
char *provider = ENCODING_ISO8859_15 "";
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