UBUNTU: Ubuntu-4.4.0-77.98

Signed-off-by: default avatarKleber Sacilotto de Souza <kleber.souza@canonical.com>
parent ddde299e
linux (4.4.0-77.98) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
linux (4.4.0-77.98) xenial; urgency=low
CHANGELOG: Do not edit directly. Autogenerated at release.
CHANGELOG: Use the printchanges target to see the curent changes.
CHANGELOG: Use the insertchanges target to create the final log.
* linux: 4.4.0-77.98 -proposed tracker (LP: #1686040)
* [Hyper-V][SAUCE] pci-hyperv: Use only 16 bit integer for PCI domain
(LP: #1684971)
- SAUCE: pci-hyperv: Use only 16 bit integer for PCI domain
* Upgrade Redpine WLAN/BT driver to ver. 1.2.RC4 (LP: #1669672)
- SAUCE: sdhci: use PCI ID to identify Dell IoT gateways
- SAUCE: Redpine: Upgrade to ver. 1.2.RC4
- [Config] Update CONFIG_VEN_RSI_* configs
- SAUCE: Redpine: add copyright to kernel packages
* Fix RX fail issue on Exar USB serial driver after resume from S3/S4
(LP: #1685133)
- SAUCE: xr-usb-serial: Update driver for Exar USB serial ports
* Miscellaneous Ubuntu changes
- [Config] updating configs to match redpine driver changes
-- Kleber Sacilotto de Souza <kleber.souza@canonical.com> Tue, 25 Apr 2017 19:32:01 +0200
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