Commit f1ac3c98 authored by Jianhua Lu's avatar Jianhua Lu Committed by Lee Jones

backlight: ktz8866: Correct the check for of_property_read_u32

of_property_read_u32 returns 0 when success, so reverse the
return value to get the true value.

Fixes: f8449c8f ("backlight: ktz8866: Add support for Kinetic KTZ8866 backlight")
Signed-off-by: default avatarJianhua Lu <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarDaniel Thompson <>
Link: default avatarLee Jones <>
parent b1ba8bcb
......@@ -97,20 +97,20 @@ static void ktz8866_init(struct ktz8866 *ktz)
unsigned int val = 0;
if (of_property_read_u32(ktz->client->dev.of_node, "current-num-sinks", &val))
if (!of_property_read_u32(ktz->client->dev.of_node, "current-num-sinks", &val))
ktz8866_write(ktz, BL_EN, BIT(val) - 1);
/* Enable all 6 current sinks if the number of current sinks isn't specified. */
ktz8866_write(ktz, BL_EN, BIT(6) - 1);
if (of_property_read_u32(ktz->client->dev.of_node, "kinetic,current-ramp-delay-ms", &val)) {
if (!of_property_read_u32(ktz->client->dev.of_node, "kinetic,current-ramp-delay-ms", &val)) {
if (val <= 128)
ktz8866_write(ktz, BL_CFG2, BIT(7) | (ilog2(val) << 3) | PWM_HYST);
ktz8866_write(ktz, BL_CFG2, BIT(7) | ((5 + val / 64) << 3) | PWM_HYST);
if (of_property_read_u32(ktz->client->dev.of_node, "kinetic,led-enable-ramp-delay-ms", &val)) {
if (!of_property_read_u32(ktz->client->dev.of_node, "kinetic,led-enable-ramp-delay-ms", &val)) {
if (val == 0)
ktz8866_write(ktz, BL_DIMMING, 0);
else {
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