Commit f26a4cf0 authored by Oswald Buddenhagen's avatar Oswald Buddenhagen Committed by Takashi Iwai

ALSA: emu10k1: simplify freeing synth voices

snd_emu10k1_voice_free() resets the hardware itself, so doing that
in the calling function as well is redundant.
Signed-off-by: default avatarOswald Buddenhagen <>
Link: default avatarTakashi Iwai <>
parent fccd6f31
......@@ -165,11 +165,6 @@ free_voice(struct snd_emux_voice *vp)
/* Problem apparent on plug, unplug then plug */
/* on the Audigy 2 ZS Notebook. */
if (hw && (vp->ch >= 0)) {
snd_emu10k1_ptr_write(hw, IFATN, vp->ch, 0xff00);
snd_emu10k1_ptr_write(hw, DCYSUSV, vp->ch, 0x807f | DCYSUSV_CHANNELENABLE_MASK);
// snd_emu10k1_ptr_write(hw, DCYSUSV, vp->ch, 0);
snd_emu10k1_ptr_write(hw, VTFT, vp->ch, 0xffff);
snd_emu10k1_ptr_write(hw, CVCF, vp->ch, 0xffff);
snd_emu10k1_voice_free(hw, &hw->voices[vp->ch]);
vp->ch = -1;
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