Commit f8e5eac8 authored by Peng Zhang's avatar Peng Zhang Committed by Andrew Morton

maple_tree: make mas_validate_gaps() to check metadata

Make mas_validate_gaps() check whether the offset in the metadata points
to the largest gap.  By the way, simplify this function.

Add the verification that gaps beyond the node limit are zero.

Link: default avatarPeng Zhang <>
Tested-by: default avatarGeert Uytterhoeven <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarLiam R. Howlett <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarAndrew Morton <>
parent d695c30a
......@@ -6957,15 +6957,16 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(mt_dump);
static void mas_validate_gaps(struct ma_state *mas)
struct maple_enode *mte = mas->node;
struct maple_node *p_mn;
struct maple_node *p_mn, *node = mte_to_node(mte);
enum maple_type mt = mte_node_type(mas->node);
unsigned long gap = 0, max_gap = 0;
unsigned long p_end, p_start = mas->min;
unsigned char p_slot;
unsigned char p_slot, offset;
unsigned long *gaps = NULL;
unsigned long *pivots = ma_pivots(mte_to_node(mte), mte_node_type(mte));
int i;
unsigned long *pivots = ma_pivots(node, mt);
unsigned int i;
if (ma_is_dense(mte_node_type(mte))) {
if (ma_is_dense(mt)) {
for (i = 0; i < mt_slot_count(mte); i++) {
if (mas_get_slot(mas, i)) {
if (gap > max_gap)
......@@ -6978,52 +6979,59 @@ static void mas_validate_gaps(struct ma_state *mas)
goto counted;
gaps = ma_gaps(mte_to_node(mte), mte_node_type(mte));
gaps = ma_gaps(node, mt);
for (i = 0; i < mt_slot_count(mte); i++) {
p_end = mas_logical_pivot(mas, pivots, i, mte_node_type(mte));
p_end = mas_logical_pivot(mas, pivots, i, mt);
if (!gaps) {
if (mas_get_slot(mas, i)) {
gap = 0;
goto not_empty;
gap += p_end - p_start + 1;
if (!mas_get_slot(mas, i))
gap = p_end - p_start + 1;
} else {
void *entry = mas_get_slot(mas, i);
gap = gaps[i];
if (!entry) {
if (gap != p_end - p_start + 1) {
pr_err("%p[%u] -> %p %lu != %lu - %lu + 1\n",
mas_mn(mas), i,
mas_get_slot(mas, i), gap,
p_end, p_start);
mt_dump(mas->tree, mt_dump_hex);
gap != p_end - p_start + 1);
} else {
if (gap > p_end - p_start + 1) {
pr_err("%p[%u] %lu >= %lu - %lu + 1 (%lu)\n",
mas_mn(mas), i, gap, p_end, p_start,
p_end - p_start + 1);
gap > p_end - p_start + 1);
MT_BUG_ON(mas->tree, !entry);
if (gap > p_end - p_start + 1) {
pr_err("%p[%u] %lu >= %lu - %lu + 1 (%lu)\n",
mas_mn(mas), i, gap, p_end, p_start,
p_end - p_start + 1);
MT_BUG_ON(mas->tree, gap > p_end - p_start + 1);
if (gap > max_gap)
max_gap = gap;
p_start = p_end + 1;
if (p_end >= mas->max)
if (mt == maple_arange_64) {
offset = ma_meta_gap(node, mt);
if (offset > i) {
pr_err("gap offset %p[%u] is invalid\n", node, offset);
MT_BUG_ON(mas->tree, 1);
if (gaps[offset] != max_gap) {
pr_err("gap %p[%u] is not the largest gap %lu\n",
node, offset, max_gap);
MT_BUG_ON(mas->tree, 1);
MT_BUG_ON(mas->tree, !gaps);
for (i++ ; i < mt_slot_count(mte); i++) {
if (gaps[i] != 0) {
pr_err("gap %p[%u] beyond node limit != 0\n",
node, i);
MT_BUG_ON(mas->tree, 1);
if (mte_is_root(mte))
......@@ -7033,10 +7041,8 @@ static void mas_validate_gaps(struct ma_state *mas)
if (ma_gaps(p_mn, mas_parent_type(mas, mte))[p_slot] != max_gap) {
pr_err("gap %p[%u] != %lu\n", p_mn, p_slot, max_gap);
mt_dump(mas->tree, mt_dump_hex);
MT_BUG_ON(mas->tree, 1);
ma_gaps(p_mn, mas_parent_type(mas, mte))[p_slot] != max_gap);
static void mas_validate_parent_slot(struct ma_state *mas)
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