Commit fe7d9d80 authored by Roland Xu's avatar Roland Xu Committed by Miguel Ojeda

rust: kernel: make impl_has_work compatible with more generics

Make the impl_has_work macro compatible with more complex generics such
as lifetimes and const generic arguments.
Signed-off-by: default avatarRoland Xu <>
Link: default avatarBenno Lossin <>
[ Wrapped message to 72 columns. - Miguel ]
Signed-off-by: default avatarMiguel Ojeda <>
parent 526c5394
......@@ -482,24 +482,26 @@ unsafe fn work_container_of(ptr: *mut Work<T, ID>) -> *mut Self
/// use kernel::sync::Arc;
/// use kernel::workqueue::{self, impl_has_work, Work};
/// struct MyStruct {
/// work_field: Work<MyStruct, 17>,
/// struct MyStruct<'a, T, const N: usize> {
/// work_field: Work<MyStruct<'a, T, N>, 17>,
/// f: fn(&'a [T; N]),
/// }
/// impl_has_work! {
/// impl HasWork<MyStruct, 17> for MyStruct { self.work_field }
/// impl{'a, T, const N: usize} HasWork<MyStruct<'a, T, N>, 17>
/// for MyStruct<'a, T, N> { self.work_field }
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! impl_has_work {
HasWork<$work_type:ty $(, $id:tt)?>
for $self:ident $(<$($selfarg:ident),*>)?
for $self:ty
{ self.$field:ident }
)*) => {$(
// SAFETY: The implementation of `raw_get_work` only compiles if the field has the right
// type.
unsafe impl$(<$($implarg),*>)? $crate::workqueue::HasWork<$work_type $(, $id)?> for $self $(<$($selfarg),*>)? {
unsafe impl$(<$($generics)+>)? $crate::workqueue::HasWork<$work_type $(, $id)?> for $self {
const OFFSET: usize = ::core::mem::offset_of!(Self, $field) as usize;
......@@ -515,7 +517,7 @@ unsafe fn raw_get_work(ptr: *mut Self) -> *mut $crate::workqueue::Work<$work_typ
pub use impl_has_work;
impl_has_work! {
impl<T> HasWork<Self> for ClosureWork<T> { }
impl{T} HasWork<Self> for ClosureWork<T> { }
unsafe impl<T, const ID: u64> WorkItemPointer<ID> for Arc<T>
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