1. 23 Nov, 2007 28 commits
    • Linus Torvalds's avatar
      Import 1.1.36 · ba00f557
      Linus Torvalds authored
    • Linus Torvalds's avatar
      Import 1.1.23 · 2651e5f8
      Linus Torvalds authored
    • Linus Torvalds's avatar
      Import 1.1.13 · 98606bdd
      Linus Torvalds authored
    • Linus Torvalds's avatar
      Import 1.1.11 · b7c2deb6
      Linus Torvalds authored
    • Linus Torvalds's avatar
      Import 1.1.3 · 7450aa7e
      Linus Torvalds authored
    • Linus Torvalds's avatar
      Import 1.0.6 · cd534a05
      Linus Torvalds authored
    • Linus Torvalds's avatar
      Import 1.0.5 · 4aad5d63
      Linus Torvalds authored
    • Linus Torvalds's avatar
      Import 0.99.15f · 9e11983a
      Linus Torvalds authored
    • Linus Torvalds's avatar
      Import 0.99.15e · 350827b4
      Linus Torvalds authored
    • Linus Torvalds's avatar
      Import 0.99.15c · 728d1c78
      Linus Torvalds authored
    • Linus Torvalds's avatar
      [PATCH] Linux-0.99.15 (February 2, 1994) · a4c5b0f7
      Linus Torvalds authored
      sbpcd (Sound Blaster Pro CD interface) driver.
      Andries Brouwer cleans up and re-does keyboard driver diacritical handling.
      Lots of new sound drivers.
      Sysvfs added (Xenix, SystemV/386 and Coherent support).  Linux was
      starting to have a lot of users move over..
      MAP_ANONYMOUS flag added to mmap().
      Loadable modules added.
      Alan Cox is active in networking.
      [original changelog below]
      Linux 0.99.15 released: Codefreeze for 1.0
      People who look into my directory on ftp.funet.fi will already have
      noticed that the latest version of linux (0.99.15) is available, and I
      assume it will be available on most other linux sites soon.  As
      explained in a previous announcement, 0.99.15 is "it", in that this will
      be the base for 1.0 after about a month of testing.  No further patches
      are accepted until the 1.0 release, unless they obviously fix a serious
      **** NOTE 1 ****
        For this code-freeze to be effective yet still potential bugs be
        found, testing is needed, along with good reports of errors and
        problems.  Thus, nobody should think "hey, the *real* release will be
        out in a month, let's wait for that", but instead think: "hey, I'd
        better test this one, so that the *real* release won't result in any
        ugly surprises for me".
        In short: test it out, preferably even more than you usually do.  Run
        "crashme" for the whole month if you have the CPU-power to spare,
        and/or just misuse your machine as badly as you can.  And if there are
        problems, report them to me (and the better the report, the more
        likely I am to be able to do something about it).
      **** NOTE 2 ****
        Bumping the linux version number to 1.0 doesn't mean anything more
        than that: it's only a version number change.  More explicitly, it
        does *NOT* mean that linux will become commercial (the copyright will
        remain as-is), nor does it mean that development stops here, and that
        1.0 will be anything special in that respect.
        I'm also afraid that just changing the version number will not make
        potential bugs magically disappear: this has been amply proven by
        various software houses over the years.  This code-freeze is there in
        order to avoid most of the problems that people sometimes associate
        with "X.0 releases", and I hope that it will mean that we have a
        reasonably stable release that we can call 1.0 and one that I won't
        have to be ashamed of.
        Ok, enough said, I hope.  The pl15 release is hopefully good, but I'll
        continue to make ALPHA patches against it along the whole month as
        problems crop up.  The networking code has been much maligned, and is
        not perfect by far yet, but it's getting its act together thanks to
        various developers and testers.  And as wiser men than I have said (or
        if they haven't, they should have):
            "There is life after 1.0"
        Any rumors that the world is coming to an end just because I'm about to
        release a 1.0-version are greatly exaggerated.  I think.
      Things that remained the same between 0.99.14 and 0.99.15:
      - I again forgot to update the README before uploading the release.  In
        pl14, I talked about pl13, while the all new and improved README has
        now caught up with pl14.  Remind me to buy a new brain one of these
      Changes between versions 0.99.14 and 0.99.15:
       - improved Pentium detection.  Some of you may have had linux report
         your 4086DX2 as a pentium machine, but the new kernel will tell you
         the sad truth.  Whee.
       - Network driver updates by Donald Becker.  New drivers added, old ones
       - FPU emulation updates by Bill Metzenthen.  Various minor errors and
         misfeatures fixed (mostly error handling).
       - Support for the SoubdBlaster Pro CD-ROM driver added by Eberhard
       - extended support for keyboard re-definition, along with font
         re-programming (Eugene Crosser, Andries Brouwer et al).
       - tty handling fixes: true canonical mode with most features supported
         by Julian Cowley.  This may make your canonical mode behave funnily
         if you happen to use old and broken programs that happened to work
         with the old and broken behaviour (this includes at least some
         'getty' programs).
       - serial driver changes and tty fixes by Theodore Ts'o.
       - SCSI fixes by Drew Eckhardt, Eric Youngdale, Rik Faith, Kai Mdkisara
         et al.
       - Updated sound card driver to version 2.4 (Hannu Savolainen)
       - COFF binary loading support (but you will still need the experimental
         iBCS2 patches to run non-linux i386 COFF binaries) by Al Longyear.
       - Upgraded ext2fs filesystem routines (0.4a -> 0.4b), with new
         features.  Read the fs/ext2/CHANGES file for details.  Remy Card and
         Stephen Tweedie.  Get a new fsck that knows about the new features.
       - pipe behaviour fixed in the presense of multiple writers (now
         actually conforms to POSIX specs about atomic writes).  Much of the
         code by Florian Coosmann.
       - minix filesystem extended to support the clean flag: get a new fsck
         that knows about it.
       - System V filesystem (support for Xenix, Coherent and SysV
         filesystems) by Doug Evans, Paul Monday, Pascal Haible and Bruno
       - loadable modules (various authors, don't remember original author of
         the "modules" code).
       - Lots of networking fixes by various people: Alan Cox, Charles
         Hedrick, me and various other people.  Non-byte-aligned networks
         work, and the networking code should be much stabler in general.
       + various bugfixes and enhacements here and there (mcd driver update by
         Jon Tombs, atixlmouse fix by Chris Colohan, /dev/full by XXX etc etc)
      All in all, the patches come out to 1.5MB uncompressed (about 400kB
      gzip-9'd), so there is little or no idea to make patches to plain pl14
      available.  Incremental patches and ALPHA-releases can be found on
      ftp.funet.fi: pub/OS/Linux/PEOPLE/Linus/ALPHA-pl14.
    • Linus Torvalds's avatar
      Import 0.99.14y · f614125e
      Linus Torvalds authored
    • Linus Torvalds's avatar
      Import 0.99.14d · d80e0e9b
      Linus Torvalds authored
    • Linus Torvalds's avatar
      [PATCH] Linux-0.99.14 (November 28, 1993) · 7e842588
      Linus Torvalds authored
      Original Changelog:
      CHANGES since 0.99 patchlevel 13:
       - new kernel source layout: drivers separated
       - lots of networking bugs fixed, and new network card drivers (Alan Cox,
         Donald Becker &co)
       - sound driver added to the default source distribution (Hannu
       - updated SCSI driver code (Eric Youngdale, Drew Eckhardt &co)
       - readonly OS/2 filesystem support (HPFS) added (Chris Smith)
       - NTP support (Philip Gladstone, Torsten Duwe, ??)
       - fixed 16MB swap-area limit
       - lots of minor cleanups, buxfixes etc.
    • Linus Torvalds's avatar
      Import 0.99.13k · 537b6ff0
      Linus Torvalds authored
    • Linus Torvalds's avatar
      [PATCH] Linux-0.99.13 (September 19, 1993) · 4779b38b
      Linus Torvalds authored
      We get enable_irq()/disable_irq()
      The C++ experiment is not going well.  Get rid of the 'extern "C"', but
      replace it with an "asmlinkage" #define that allows us to experiment.
      ELF binary support it a notable change.
      Original ChangeLog:
       - the bad memory management one-liner bug in pl12 is naturally fixed.
       - compiled with plain C by default instead of C++
       - ELF binary support (Eric Youngdale)
       - Quickport mouse support (and some changes to the PS/2 mouse driver)
         by Johan Myreen and co)
       - core file name change ("core" -> "core.xxxx" where xxxx is the name
         of the program that dumped code).  Idea from ???.  Also, core-files
         now correctly truncate any existing core file before being written.
       - some mmap() fixes: better error returns, and handling of non-fixed
         maps for /dev/mem etc.
       - one kludgy way to fix the wrong arp packets that have plagued net-2d
         (resulting in arp packets that had the first four bytes of the
         ethernet address as the IP address).
       - I fixed the mount-point handling of 'rename()' and 'unlink()/rmdir()'
         so that they should now work and/or give appropriate error messages.
         An early version of this patch was already sent to the KERNEL
         channel, which fixed the rename problem but not a similar bug with
       - packet mode fixes by Charles Hedrick.  Sadly, these are likely to
         break old telnet/rlogin binaries, but it had to be done in order to
         communicate correctly with the rest of the world.
       - FPU emulator patches from Bill Metzenthen.  The fprem1 insn should be
         correct now (not that anybody seems to have seen the incorrect
       - a few fixes for SCSI (Drew and Eric)
       - signal.c changes to handle multiple segments (for Wine) correctly.
       - updated drivers from Donald Becker: 3c509 and AT1500 drivers, but
         also some other drivers have been edited, and some networking fixes.
    • Linus Torvalds's avatar
      [PATCH] Linux-0.99.12 (August 14, 1993) · 9636d570
      Linus Torvalds authored
      CDU31A and MCD CD-ROM drivers.  Ahh, the bad old days of every sound
      card manufacturer having their own CD interface.
      Much nicer keymaps for keyboards.
      Many more network drivers by Donald Becker for the improving NET-2 code.
      Eric Youngdale makes executables and libraries use the new mmap()
      functionality.  The old special-cased sharing goes away.  Hurray! This
      also means that mmap gets a lot more testing.  It also means that NFS
      has to be fixed to allow mmaps. Done.
      "sys_modify_ldt()" appears, the extended DOS emulators want it.
      Still using C++ to compile the kernel.
      Original changelog:
       - The memory manager cleanup has continued, and seems to be mostly
         ready, as proven by the ease of adding mmap() over NFS with the new
         routines.  So yes, the pl12 kernel will demand-load your binaries
         over NFS, sharing code and clean data, as well as running shared
         libraries over NFS.  Memory management by Eric and me, while the NFS
         mmap code was written by Jon Tombs,
       - ** IMPORTANT **: The keyboard driver has been enhanced even further,
         and almost everything is completely re-mappable.  This means that
         there is a new version of 'loadkeys' and 'dumpkeys' that you must use
         with this kernel or you'll have problems.  The default keyboard is
         still the US mapping, but if you want to create your own mappings
         you'll have to load them with the new binaries.  Get the 'kbd.tar.gz'
         archive from the same place you get the kernel.
         The new keymappings allow things like function key string changes,
         remapping of the control keys, and freedom to remap any of the normal
         keyboard functions: including special features like rebooting,
         console switching etc.  The keyboard remapping code has been done
         mostly by Risto Kankkunen (Risto.Kankkunen@Helsinki.FI).
       - updated network drivers by Donald Becker
       - updated serial drivers - tytso@Athena.mit.edu
       - updated 387 emulation (Bill Metzenthen).  The updated emulator code
         has more exact trigonometric functions and improved exception
         handling.  It now behaves very much like a real 486, with only small
         changes (greater accuracy, slightly different denormal NaN handling
         etc - hard to detect the differences even if you are looking for
       - network timer fixes by Florian La Roche (much cleaned up net/inet/timer.c
         and some bad race-conditions fixed).
       - Scsi code updates by Eric Youngdale and others
       - Sony CDU-31A CDROM driver by Corey Minyard added to the standard
         kernel distribution.
       - The Mitsumi CDROM driver is now part of the standard kernel.  Driver
         by Martin Harriss with patches by stud11@cc4.kuleuven.ac.be (yes, he
         probably has a real name, but no, I haven't found it) and Jon Tombs.
       - various other minor patches (preliminary ldt support etc)
    • Linus Torvalds's avatar
      [PATCH] Linux-0.99.11 (July 17, 1993) · d9f8e0ec
      Linus Torvalds authored
      Real file mmap with page sharing in the VM code.  We don't do writable
      shared mappings (and we won't do them for a _long_ time yet), but this
      is a big step forward!
      Note in the COPYING file that the GPL only covers the kernel, not user
      programs. People were starting to find Linux more and more interesting..
      Improved configure script.
      Use nicer "save_flags()/cli()/restore_flags()" macros instead of
      hardcoding the inline assembly.  Clean up other inline assembly usage
      Trying to compile the kernel with C++ compiler.  It will be a failed
      Original ChangeLog:
       - The keyboard is dynamically changeable (this is true of pl10 as
         well), and you need to get the "keytables.tar.z" archive to set the
         keyboard to suit your taske unless you want to live with the default
         US keymaps.
         Use the "loadkeys map/xxx.map" command to load the keyboard map: you
         can edit the maps to suit yourself if you can't find a suitable one.
         The syntax of the keyboard maps should be obvious after looking at
         the examples.
       - The memory manager has been cleaned up substantially, and mmap()
         works for MAP_PRIVATE.  MAP_SHARED is still not supported for
         anything else than /dev/mem, but even so it actually is usable for a
         lot of applications.  The shared library routines have been rewritten
         to use mmap() instead of the old hardcoded behaviour.
       - The kernel is now compiled with C++ instead of plain C.  Very few
         actual C++ features are used, but even so C++ allows for more
         type-checking and type-safe linkage.
       - The filesystem routines have been cleaned up for multiple block
         sizes.  None of the filesystems use it yet, but people are working on
       - named pipes and normal pipes should hopefully have the right select()
         semantics in the presense/absense of writers.
       - QIC-02 tape driver by Hennus Bergman
       - selection patches in the default kernel
       - fixed a bug in the pty code which led to busy waiting in some
         circumstances instead of sleeping.
       - Compressed SLIP support (Charles Hedrick). See net/inet/CONFIG
       - the 'clear_bit()' function was changed to return the previous setting
         of the bit instead of the old "error-code".  This makes use of the
         bit operations more logical.
       - udelay() function for short delays (busy-waiting) added.  Used
         currently only by the QIC driver.
       - fork() and sheduler changes to make task switches happen only from
         kernel mode to kernel mode.  Cleaner and more portable than the old
         code which counted on being able to task-switch directly into user
       - debugging malloc code.
    • Linus Torvalds's avatar
      [PATCH] Linux-0.99.10 (June 7, 1993) · 9cb9f18b
      Linus Torvalds authored
      People finally gave up on net-1, Ross Biro grew tired of the flames, and
      net-2 appears with Fred van Kempen as maintainer.  This is the big
      switch-over version.
      fsync() isn't just a stub any more, and System V IPC is also showing up.
      The "struct file" filetable is made dynamic, instaed of a static
      allocation.  For the first time you can have _lots_ of files open.
      Stub for iBCS2 emulation code.
      [original announcement below]
      I've finally released an official version of linux-0.99 patchlevel 10:
      there have been various alpha versions floating around which differ in
      details (notably networking code), which shouldn't be used any more.
      The new linux version is available only as full source code: the diffs
      would have been too big to be useful.  You can find linux-0.99.10.tar.z
      (along with keytables.tar.z) on nic.funet.fi: pub/OS/Linux/PEOPLE/Linus
      and probably on tsx-11 and other linux archives within a day or two (so
      check there first if you are in the states).
      Linux-0.99 pl10 has a number of new features and changes in interface.
      The most notable of these are:
       - the networking code is reorganized (generally called "net-2",
         although unrelated to the BSD release).  The new code implements a
         lot of standard features lacking in net-1, and also changes the user
         interface to be closer to the BSD standards.  Notably, the old
         configuration binaries won't work, so to get the new networking to
         work you'll have to get the net-2 binaries as well.  The networking
         binaries are available on tsx-11.mit.edu (and mirrors) under the
         directory pub/linux/packages/net/net-2 (and the setup syntax has
         changed somewhat..)
         The networking code has been mainly organized and rewritten by Fred
         van Kempen, with drivers by Donald Becker.
       - serial line setup has been changed: linux 0.99 pl10 does *not* try to
         autodetect serial ports very agressively.  If you have other serial
         ports than the standard com1/com2, or nonstandard IRQ etc values,
         this means that it's less likely to work without any help.  The
         solution is not to recompile the kernel - you should get the
         "setserial" program available from tsx-11.mit.edu in the directory
         pub/linux/sources/sbin/setserial-2.01.tar.z that allows you to
         dynamically configure your serial ports to suit your setup.
         The main organizer behind the serial line changes is tytso (Theodore
       - Keyboard setup has changed: it is no longer hardcoded at compile
         time, but instead you can use the new "loadkeys" program to load in a
         new keyboard map on the fly.  The default keyboard map is the normal
         US keyboard (yes, I should have used the Finnish one by default, but
         after thinking of all the problems that would have resulted in I
         forgot about that idea).  The loadkeys code can be found in the
         "keytables.tar.z" archive, which also contains keymaps for most
         normal keyboard types.  To create a custom keyboard table is very
         easy - just take a 5 minute look at the existing map files (they
         resemble the ones used by xmodmap, so if you are familiar with
         The loadable keymaps were mostly implemented by Risto Kankkunen.
      There are a lot of other internal kernel changes, but they should be
      mostly transparent, and noticeable only indirectly due to new features
      or (hopefully) better/faster/whatever operation.  These include:
       - the SysV IPC patches are in by default: Krishna Balasubramanian.
         If you need these, you know what it's about (notably, dosemu 0.49
         wants them).
       - inode handling is updated: inodes and files are now dynamically
         allocated within the kernel, and use a hash table for faster lookup
         (along with a NFU algorithm for the inode cache).  Steven Tweedie.
       - Updated FPU emulation: mostly exception handling changes, making the
         emulator handle most exceptions the same way a 486 does.  The
         emulator is written by Bill Metzenthen.
       - a few ext2-fs updates by Remy Card and Steven Tweedie.
       - support for the 'fsync()' function (Steven Tweedie)
       - various (minor) SCSI patches to catch some error conditions, add
         support for VLB adaptec controllers without DMA and so on (different
       - other changes - I forget.
      In addition to patches sent in by others, I've naturally made my own
      changes (often *to* the patches sent in by others :-).  Among other
      things, the pl10 buffer cache code now also tries to share pages with
      executables, resulting in better cacheing especially of binaries (giving
      noticeable improvements in kernel recompilation speed on some machines).
      Also, I've changed a lot of low-level things around to help the iBCS2
      project: this includes things like internal segment handling and the
      signal stack (which now looks the same as on SysV i386 unixes).  All in
      all, pl10 has a disturbing amount of new code, but will hopefully work
      well despite (due to?) the number of changes.
      The new networking code in particular will change the network setup a
      lot - it now looks more standard, but if you were used to the old way of
      doing things..  On the other hand, most people actively using the
      networking features have hopefully gotten warnings about this on the NET
      channel for the last few weeks.  Also, the networking code still isn't
      perfect: Fred is still working on it, but it seems to have reached a
      reasonably stable platform on which it will be easier to build.  Look
      out for the new-and-improved networking manual, hopefully out soon(?).
      Standard request: please try it all out, give it a real shakedown, and
      send comments/bug-reports to the appropriate place (I'm always
      appropriate, but you may want to send the report to the mailing lists
      and/or the newsgroup as well).  I apologize for the lateness of the
      release (forcing hlu to make interim gcc releases that relied on
      nonstandard kernels etc), and the changes are somewhat bigger than I'd
      prefer, so the more testerts that try it out, the faster we can try to
      fix any possible problems.  The new kernel has gone through various
      stages of ALPHA-diffs and some late ALPHA-pl10's, so there shouldn't be
      any major surprises, but alpha releases tend not to get even close to
      the coverage a real release gets...
    • Linus Torvalds's avatar
      [PATCH] Linux-0.99.7 (March 13, 1993) · f65d0bc9
      Linus Torvalds authored
      Nigel Gamble makes lp driver able to use interrupts.
      The mmap() code is finally starting to really happen.  In particular,
      this means that "verify_area()" is doing more - it can check the actual
      areas that have been mapped, rather than just blindly assume that the
      user can access anything in the first 3GB.
      For now, the mmap code only does anonymous mappings and /dev/mem.
      Executables are still read into memory.  But the infrastructure is
      The VFS layer stops using names directly in user space - the race
      conditions were just too hard to handle.  So pathnames are copied into
      kernel space before they are looked up.
      Ext2fs (Remy Card) and xiafs (Frank Xia) are merged.  Both are much
      faster filesystems using bitmaps rather than freelists, and can handle
      big disks and big files.
      Ext2fs is based on extfs, while xiafs is a simpler straightforward
      extension of the old minixfs.
      Xiafs obviously was eventually dropped.
      [Original announcement below]
      It has been two weeks since the last release, so it's high time you
      should once more enjoy the pleasures of patching up your kernel to a
      higher version number if you are into those kinds of perversions.  Linux
      0.99pl7 is available as both full source and diffs against pl6 on
      nic.funet.fi: pub/OS/Linux/PEOPLE/Linus, and it will probably show up on
      the other major sites within days.
      As of pl7, I'm trying out a new format: both the full distribution and
      the diffs are now compressed with gzip as it is now available at most
      machines.  Also, the diffs are no longer context diffs: they use the
      smaller unified diff format.  At least the stock SunOS 'patch' binary
      seems not to understand them at all, but GNU patch has no problems, and
      unified diffs are a bit smaller (not that it matters much after gzip has
      done its deed on them).
      As to the changes in pl7: they are many and varied, and hopefully all to
      the better (-"Dream on Linus" -"Shut up").  Short list follows, hope I
      haven't forgotten anything major.
       - ext2fs is in: note that this is version 0.2c and that if you are
         currently using an older version there are some changes.  Small
         filesystems (< 256MB) should reportedly be automatically converted,
         bigger filesystems need some assistance. Ext2fs written by Remy Card.
       - xiafs is also in: again, the final version uses a slightly different
         layout to support exact file block counts, so if you use the xiafs,
         you should make sure you have the latest fs-tools.  Xiafs written by
         Frank Xia.
       - updated Ultrastor SCSI driver with scatter/gather by Scott Taylor.
         It should be much faster, as well as support the Ultrastor-34F.
       - major changes in the memory manager.  Yours truly got carried away,
         and finally cleaned up the mm layer due to pmacdona wanting mmap() on
         /dev/zero.  This means that the IPC patches won't go in, and need
         updating.  Krishna?
       - more big changes: I rewrote most of the VFS filename-handling.
         Filenames are copied into kernel space before being used, which
         cleaned things up somewhat, as well as simplifying some race-
         condition handling.  As a result, I was also able to easily expand
         the minix fs to cover the "linux" fs that some people have been using
         (same layout, but with 30-character names).
       - updated the printer driver: Nigel Gamble.  It is now able to use
         interrupts, although the default behaviour is still to poll.
       - serial driver updates by tytso (but no SLIP yet)
       - various minor patches for POSIX compliace: Bruce Evans, Rick Sladkey
         and me.
       - other minor patches all over the place: scsi, tcpip etc.
      All in all, the patches are almost half a megabyte even as unified
      diffs: getting the full sources might be easier than patching it all up.
      As always, some of the patches are actually tested by me, some aren't
      (and just because I wrote some of them doesn't mean I actually *tested*
      them: I have no idea if mmap() works on /dev/zero, although it should).
      I have neither a printer nor an Ultrastor controller, and I haven't got
      the diskspace to test out the new filesystems, so I can only hope they
      work "as advertized".  If you have problems, I want to hear about them,
      so keep the reports coming, and try to pinpoint the problem as well as
      you can ("when I do *this* it happens every time..").
    • Linus Torvalds's avatar
      [PATCH] Linux-0.99.6 (February 21, 1993) · 64e05a91
      Linus Torvalds authored
      Merge a lot of duplicated special file handling into fs/devices.c, and
      make drivers register their major numbers properly.
      VFS layer gets fsync virtual function.
      Compressed image boot, with the kernel loaded into high memory..
      [original announcement below]
      I'm starting soon to run out of patchlevel numbers for 0.99, but I made
      a new release anyway (and long-time linux hackers remember my less than
      completely logical numbering: when I run out of numbers I'll start using
      alphabetical characters and other fun characters to indicate new
      versions :-)
      0.99pl6 is mainly a syncronization release: it fixes a few bugs and
      changes the behaviour of 'vhangup()' to be more standard.  The vhangup()
      changes will break some init/login stuff that depended on the earlier
      incorrect behaviour - not everybody may want to use pl6 until you are
      sure your init/login will work happily with it.  Better do these things
      before 1.0 than to break it later.
      Patchlevel 6 also changes the vfs functions for special devices as well
      as adding a 'fsync' field to the inode-operations structure.  Thus
      ext2fs and xfs need updating.  Remy and Xia? The special file and fifo
      handling code is no longer supposed to be in the fs-dependent layer, but
      is handled by the vfs routines, as it's the same for all "normal"
      Ok, here are the actual changes/features of pl6:
      - the kernel can be loaded in gzipped format and de-compressed at
        startup beyond the 1MB mark.  Good for bootable rootdisks.  Patches
        mainly by Hannu Savolainen.
      - I finally enabled NMI's everywhere (except at the bootup sequence),
        so if you have memory errors, they will hopefully now result in
        kernel messages ("NMI received..")
      - the device registration code for special devices.  Special files are
        now registered with a special "register_[chr|blk]dev()" function.
      - consolidated fifo/special dev handling
      - vhangup patches.  Note that these may break init/login badly, at
        least if you are using poeigl-1.7.  Be careful that you don't get
        totally locked out of your machine.
      - the procfs NULL-dereferencing bugfix (michaelkjohnson)
      - literal next character handling (very losely based on a patch I
        received: I essentially rewrote it with final fixes by jrs).
      - fpu-emu bugfixes by Bill Metzenthen - fixes the "internal error 112"
        bug as well as a sign bug with zero.
      - fdomain driver fixes
      - various other minor fixes (wrongly replying to bad ip messages etc)
      I'm still not sure about the 387 error detection code: I have had a
      couple of messages that would suggest that some early clone 387's have
      problems with math exceptions in protected mode.  With the new (as of
      99pl5) test at startup this can lead to problems at boot-time.  Please
      mail me directly if you seem to have problems with this (it should be
      obvious in pl6 due to debugging messages at startup).
    • Linus Torvalds's avatar
      [PATCH] Linux-0.99.5 (February 9, 1993) · b5341f73
      Linus Torvalds authored
      net-1: more fixes, use bottom halves for transmitting, more "volatiles"
      to hide bugs. /proc interfaces for networking.
      Side note: it took networking a _long_ time to recover from the
      volatiles.  Getting the locking right rather than trying to make the
      compiler make races smaller was a hard idea to get through.
      Bill Metzenthen moves his math emulator to "beta 1.0" status.
      Fred van Kempen shows up: starting to do a SLIP line discipline for tty
      Verify FP exception handling.
      [Original announcement below]
              "He's done it yet again - doesn't he ever rest?"
                              - anonymous linux kernel hacker
      Only complete newbies don't know what this is all about, but I'd better
      tell you anyway: patchlevel 5 of the 0.99 kernel is now available on
      nic.funet.fi (pub/OS/Linux/PEOPLE/Linus) as both context diffs against
      pl4 and complete source code.  I'm not even going to speculate on 1.0
      right now.
      The pl5 diffs are about 90kB compressed: the major changes are to the
      tcp/ip code and the serial driver, while there are various minor fixes
      strewn around the system:
       - serial lines/tty changes (tytso & Fred v Kempen)
       - NFS bugfixes (Rick Sladkey)
       - tcp/ip (Ross Biro)
       - coprocessor handling changes (me)
       - harddisk driver error handling (Mika Liljeberg)
       - various minor patches (me and others)
      Serial lines now implement non-blocking opens correctly and support
      dial-out lines (same minor, major==5).  I changed the default startup
      mode to be CLOCAL so that people won't get confused by the modem line
      code when not using dial-in.
      Another interesting change is the 387 error-coupling tests at bootup:
      the code to check if the intel-recommended exception 16 error reporting
      is present is "non-obvious".  If you have had problems with coprocessor
      error handling, or have a non-intel coprocessor, I'd suggest you test
      this out: I'd like to hear about problems/successes.
      PS.  If you tested out the latest ALPHA-diffs (the ones that already
      changed the kernel version to pl5), the changes to the final pl5 were
      only cosmetic.
    • Linus Torvalds's avatar
      [PATCH] Linux-0.99.4 (January 20, 1993) · c9e69190
      Linus Torvalds authored
      net-1: random addition of "volatile" keywords to try to hide race
      conditions in the code.
      File locking updated with shared and exclusive locks for BSD flock.
      Re-mounting of filesystems and new mount system call.
      Re: Freeze up on X
      In article <1993Jan21.181502.23485@miles.com> dennisf@miles.com (Dennis Flaherty) writes:
      >Here's another clue.  Try this: when your system freezes, running X, try
      >MOVING THE MOUSE.  It's weird!!  But moving the mouse actually makes the
      >system run!  Stop moving the mouse, and the system freezes again.  And
      >this only happens with 0.99.3, not 0.99.2.
      Get pl4, and it should be gone.  There was a bug in the handling of
      uninitialized interrupts in pl3, where they could result in either the
      wrong interrupt mask being loaded leading to interrupt lock-out or (in
      some cases) bit corruption at the user level.  The symptoms are exactly
      as you describe: a good interrupt that didn't happen to be locked out
      will correct the interrupt mask, and the system goes on (it can be
      moving the mouse, but it might also be a keyboard event etc).
    • Linus Torvalds's avatar
      [PATCH] Linux-0.99.3 (January 13, 1993) · b0755ed8
      Linus Torvalds authored
      VFS gets "permission()" virtual function.
      [Original announcement below]
      Still no 1.0 - I have had a couple of reports of problems, so I'll make
      yet another 0.99 release.  The diffs (against 0.99.2) and complete
      source can be found at nic.funet.fi: pub/OS/Linux/PEOPLE/Linus as usual,
      and will probably show up at the other sites pretty soon.
      0.99.3 contains no real new features, but the diffs are pretty big
      anyway (100kB+ compressed): various things have moved around a bit and
      there are a lot of minor changes.  The changes include (but are not
      limited to):
       - the math emulator code now also understands the unofficial codes (in
         case somebody followed the ML math emulator thread).  I'd be
         interested to hear whether ML now works with the emulator.
       - various SCSI driver changes
       - some re-organization of the tty open/close code to remove a few race
       - interrupt handling rewrites (two-level interrupt code cleanups)
       - the serial drivers are tytso's alpha-drivers: they aren't quite
         completed, but as they need the interrupt handling patches to get
         ready, this is probably the least traumatic way of doing it.
       - some more minor keyboard driver changes (mostly taking advantage of
         the two-level interrupts)
      + a lot of other minor changes.  I once more hope people will try it
      out, and report any problems or successes to me.
      Known problems:
       - there seems to be something weird going on in the ST-0x driver with
         some scsi disks.
       - tcp/ip is reportedly still not quite stable, and I can't even test it
      NOTE! The DMA functions have changed for the high DMA channels - all DMA
      functions now take their arguments as the number of bytes instead of the
      old way of using bytes for ch 0-3 and words for ch 5-7.  This might lead
      to problems with the SoundBlaster driver, which may need editing.
    • Linus Torvalds's avatar
      [PATCH] Linux-0.99.2 (January 1, 1993) · 9000b87e
      Linus Torvalds authored
      Bottom half race condition fix.
      Return ENODEV for nonexistent special devices.
      Fix Unix domain sockets to properly check for target equality.
      Add 'wchan' to /proc/stat
      [Original announcement below]
      Yes, as you've probably noticed, it's now 1993 and I still haven't
      released 1.0.  Sorry about that, and I have only another patchlevel to
      offer.  The new kernel should mainly fix some of the keyboard problems
      people have experienced, but does contain some other minor fixes.
      Linux 0.99.2 is available now at nic.funet.fi: pub/OS/Linux/PEOPLE/Linus
      as both sources and diffs against 0.99.1 the diffs are essentially the
      same as the second alpha-diffs I released for limited testing, with only
      minor fixes to fs/exec.c and fs/open.c.
      Please try out 0.99.2: the more feedback (hopefully positive) I get on
      it, the faster 1.0 will be out.
      Changes from pl1 are mainly:
       - pretty much rewritten low-level keyboard handling IO - this time
         actually trying to do it by the book.  It now handles resend requests
         from the keyboard etc.
       - you can run executables from filesystems without bmap support.  This
         mainly means NFS and msdos.  Note that while it's possible, it's
         slower and less memory-efficient than using a "normal" linux
         filesystem, and should generally be avoided.
       - /proc filesystem changes: /proc/kmsg can be used to log the kernel
         messages under X11 (instead of using the older system call to do the
         same), and there are changes to the statistics routines (WCHAN).
      + various minor fixes (non-existent devices are handled better, some
      changes to socket bind behaviour etc).
    • Linus Torvalds's avatar
      [PATCH] Linux-0.99.1 (December 21, 1992) · 26a34b16
      Linus Torvalds authored
      Patch 1 addresses the following problems:
       - configuration. Hope there are no silly problems left..
       - inode.c: initialization changes (the missing NULL and some other
         minor fixes).
       - some SCSI tape driver patches (Kai M{kisara)
       - tcp/ip patches (Ross Biro, some code by me)
       - keyboard patches (mainly changed initialization - hope the keyboard
         lockups are gone).
       - completed /proc-fs: it should now contain all info needed by 'ps'
         (Micheal K Johnson).
       - various minor fixes (the minix-fs link overflow checking etc)
      Patch1 also contains support for extended VC switching - this is for the
      upcoming X11 that understands VC's.  One result of this is that console
      redirection now redirects *only* messages actually sent to /dev/console
      (aka /dev/tty0), not just to any foreground VC.  Wait for Xfree-1.2 to
      be able to switch VC's while under X (yes, including several X-sessions
      active at the same time..).
      I hope there are still people out there that aren't too busy stuffing
      themself with turkey to try out a new kernel release.  There is just
      over a week left of this year, and I need feedback in order to be able
      to release 1.0.
      PS.  Thanks to everybody who has sent me Christmas/New Year/Birthday
      cards.  Some contained money, some didn't, and I enjoyed them all.
    • Linus Torvalds's avatar
      [PATCH] Linux-0.99 (December 13, 1992) · ad094925
      Linus Torvalds authored
      net-1: paranoid queue checking to find more bugs.
      configuration script version #1.
      NFS filesystem client support by Rick Sladkey!
      [Original announcement below]
      0.99 has no major new features: the NFS client code is now in the
      standard distribution, and the kernel configuration has changed, but
      most of the rest of the changes are fixes - especially the tcp code
      should now be pretty stable (knock wood).
       - NFS is in. As are some stubs for the soud drivers, although it's only
         stubs right now.
       - various fixes around the place: the serial problems are hopefully
         gone, and there are patches to both TCP/IP and SCSI to make them more
       - Minor fixes: the keyboard buglet introduced in 0.98pl6 should be
         gone, and some other bugs are also corrected.  The optimized
         read-ahead code in the filesystems (and the raw device read code) was
         too complicated and seemed to have problems with bad blocks, so I
         rewrote it, and it should hopefully work correctly now (this may have
         been the reason "mkfs -c" didn't work in all cases).  Thanks for some
         good bug-reports I've gotten: I've tried to correct all the problems
         I got reports on.
       - The kernel configuration has been re-thought: I decided to take
         advantage of the possibilities offered by GNU make etc.  This means
         that you no longer can compile the kernel using any other make, but
         there probably aren't many (if any) people doing that anyway.  This
         way I got rid of the extremely ugly SCSI setup, so it was probably
         worth it.
      To configure the kernel for your setup, do a
              make config
      and answer the yes/no questions. After that, do a
              make dep
      to make the dependencies match your setup.  After that you should still
      go edit the top-level Makefile for some of the configuration information
      as before, but the remaining config things are pretty simple.  Then you
      can make the kernel with a simple "make Image".
      The new configuration utility (essentially a stupid shell script coupled
      with some smarts in the Makefiles) tries to minimize compilations: if
      you disable the SCSI code the scsi drivers won't even be compiled, much
      less linked in.  This should be a win on slower machines.
      NOTE!!! Use LILO-0.7 to load the 0.98pl5 and newer kernels: any older
      version of lilo is liable to result in weird problems.
    • Linus Torvalds's avatar
      [PATCH] Linux-0.98.6 (December 2, 1992) · c0cf5000
      Linus Torvalds authored
      Kai Makisara does the SCSI tape driver.  He's one of the few original
      maintainers still around as such..
      isofs introduced by Eric Youngdale, based on the minixfs code.  Eric was
      a physicist, and you can tell he was new to C - he has been
      Pascal-damaged, and has extra semi-colons at the end of block
      statements.  But soon he ended up being one of the core maintainers
      anyway, and took over SCSI maintenance.
      More aggressive filesystem read-ahead introduced.
      [Original announcement below]
      Anyway, 0.98pl6 is hopefully the last release before 0.99: there are a
      few known problems left in this release.  Most notable is the serial
      code: it works for most people, but others still have problems with it.
      I hope this will get fixed within a week (tytso is working on it).  It
      also seems as if the PS/2 mouse code has some problems.
      pl6 contains these fixes:
       - all the tcp/ip patches I've received (and I fixed one bug that
         gcc-2.3 seems to have found).
       - math-emu patch for the problem that resulted in FPU errors with some
       - I fixed gcc-2.3 warnings as well as most of the old warnings.  You
         shouldn't get more than one or two warnings when recompiling the
         whole kernel.
       - /proc filesystem extensions.  Based on ideas (and some code) by
         Darren Senn, but mostly written by yours truly.  More about that
       - some tty_io fixes (there was a bug in the /dev/console handling when
         you changed VC's while using the general console device).
       - re-organization of the keyboard-driver internal data-structures.  The
         changes are mostly preliminary: they change the keyboard flags to be
         more easily adaptive to a reprogrammable keyboard driver.  No actual
         new features yet.
       - new SCSI drivers: reportedly much faster than the old ones (but not
         all drivers take advantage of it yet..)
       - various other fixes: pty's etc have minor changes.
      I hope to make 0.99 in a week or so, and 1.0 after that has been tested
      some.  I hope people will test out pl6 - 0.99 won't be much different,
      and if you don't test pl6, any bugs relating to your particular hardware
      may not be found in time for 0.99...