1. 09 Sep, 2003 1 commit
    • Dave Jones's avatar
      [CPUFREQ] Merge speedstep-smi driver. · e7a4d809
      Dave Jones authored
      From: Hiroshi Miura <miura@da-cha.org>
      Intel SpeedStep driver using a BIOS SMI call.
      Quoting his original announcement:
      "This driver is based on the information from
      1. Microsoft Windows XP Document.
      we can get the SMI interface values from ax=E980/int15 BIOS call.
      2. Intel SpeedStep Applet Document.(from HP.com)
      " Adds code to request transition ownership when processing
      the system critical resume message. When a critical hibernate occurs,
      the Applet does not receive any system level notification. The change forces
      the Applet to re-acquire transition ownership upon resume from a critical hibernate. "
      This is informative. This saied that  something 'ownership' call is needed on SMI
      interface first.
      3. Grover, Andrew's int 15h patch posted to cpufreq ml
      Message-ID: <F760B14C9561B941B89469F59BA3A847E96E28@orsmsx401.jf.intel.com>
      code which call BIOS to get SMI values. I included it.
      4. Malik Martin's rev engineering results.
      call is made with BX, CX, EDI register values.
      and need signature 'ISG' when call.
      find function values. bx=1(get) and bx=2(set)
      5. Marc Lehmann's 'speedstep' utility,
      sample of assembler code to call SMI.
      6. My work.
      find function to return max/min freq which system supportd. (bx=4)
      more values are gotten, but I cannot understand...
      find 'ownership' function value(bx=0, which is other than 1 2 4..).
      ToDo(in pregress)
      support governor "auto" and using smi_event call, imprement auto freqchange
      test on 440BX/ZX platform.
       module parameters are override result of an int 15h/eax=E890h call.
       these parameter value are gotten from Windows XP registory."
      Also includes some bugfixes, updates and workarounds from me.
      NB: A lot of BIOS out there are buggy. You might want to try this driver
      also with Intel's default values -- smi_cmd = 0x82 and smi_port = 0xb2
  2. 05 Sep, 2003 2 commits
  3. 04 Sep, 2003 7 commits
  4. 03 Sep, 2003 15 commits
  5. 02 Sep, 2003 10 commits
  6. 01 Sep, 2003 5 commits