disabled.def 1.27 KB
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#  List the test cases that are to be disabled temporarily.
#  Separate the test case name and the comment with ':'.
#    <testcasename> : BUG#<xxxx> <date disabled> <disabler> <comment>
#  Do not use any TAB characters for whitespace.

unknown's avatar
unknown committed
14 15 16
rpl_ndb_2innodb          : Bug #32648  	Test failure between NDB Cluster and other engines
rpl_ndb_2myisam          : Bug #32648  	Test failure between NDB Cluster and other engines
rpl_ndb_2other           : Bug #32648  	Test failure between NDB Cluster and other engines
unknown's avatar
unknown committed
rpl_ndb_extraColMaster   : BUG#30854 : Tables name show as binary in slave err msg on vm-win2003-64-b and Solaris
rpl_ndb_mix_innodb       : Bug #32720   Test rpl_ndb_mix_innodb fails on SPARC and PowerPC
19 20 21 22

# the below testcase have been reworked to avoid the bug, test contains comment, keep bug open

#rpl_ndb_dd_advance	 : Bug#25913 rpl_ndb_dd_advance fails randomly
23 24 25 26 27

rpl_ndb_innodb_trans     : Bug#34454: Some test cases from the 'rpl_ndb' suite fail
rpl_ndb_charset          : Bug#34454: Some test cases from the 'rpl_ndb' suite fail
rpl_ndb_multi            : Bug#34454: Some test cases from the 'rpl_ndb' suite fail