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/* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.
   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA */

/* Analyse database */

#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma interface				/* gcc class implementation */

#define DEC_IN_AVG 4

typedef struct st_number_info
  // if zerofill is true, the number must be zerofill, or string
  bool	    negative, is_float, zerofill, maybe_zerofill;
  int8	    integers;
  int8	    decimals;
  double    dval;
  ulonglong ullval;

typedef struct st_extreme_value_number_info
  ulonglong ullval;
  longlong  llval;
  double    max_dval, min_dval;

typedef struct st_tree_info
  bool	 found;
  String *str;
  Item	 *item;

uint check_ulonglong(const char *str, uint length);
bool get_ev_num_info(EV_NUM_INFO *ev_info, NUM_INFO *info, const char *num);
bool test_if_number(NUM_INFO *info, const char *str, uint str_len);
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int compare_double(const double *s, const double *t);
54 55
int compare_double2(void* cmp_arg __attribute__((unused)),
		    const double *s, const double *t);
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int compare_longlong(const longlong *s, const longlong *t);
57 58
int compare_longlong2(void* cmp_arg __attribute__((unused)),
		      const longlong *s, const longlong *t);
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int compare_ulonglong(const ulonglong *s, const ulonglong *t);
60 61
int compare_ulonglong2(void* cmp_arg __attribute__((unused)),
		       const ulonglong *s, const ulonglong *t);
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62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94
Procedure *proc_analyse_init(THD *thd, ORDER *param, select_result *result,
			     List<Item> &field_list);
void free_string(String*);
class analyse;

class field_info :public Sql_alloc
  ulong   treemem, tree_elements, empty, nulls, min_length, max_length;
  uint	  room_in_tree;
  my_bool found;
  TREE	  tree;
  Item	  *item;
  analyse *pc;

  field_info(Item* a, analyse* b) : treemem(0), tree_elements(0), empty(0),
    nulls(0), min_length(0), max_length(0), room_in_tree(1),
    found(0),item(a), pc(b) {};

  virtual ~field_info() { delete_tree(&tree); }
  virtual void	 add() = 0;
  virtual void	 get_opt_type(String*, ha_rows) = 0;
  virtual String *get_min_arg(String *) = 0;
  virtual String *get_max_arg(String *) = 0;
  virtual String *avg(String*, ha_rows) = 0;
  virtual String *std(String*, ha_rows) = 0;
  virtual tree_walk_action collect_enum() = 0;
  virtual uint decimals() { return 0; }
  friend  class analyse;

95 96 97
int collect_string(String *element, element_count count,
		   TREE_INFO *info);

98 99 100 101 102
int sortcmp2(void* cmp_arg __attribute__((unused)),
	     const String *a,const String *b);
int stringcmp2(void* cmp_arg __attribute__((unused)),
	     const String *a,const String *b);

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class field_str :public field_info
  String      min_arg, max_arg;
  ulonglong   sum;
  bool	      must_be_blob, was_zero_fill, was_maybe_zerofill,
  NUM_INFO    num_info;
  EV_NUM_INFO ev_num_info;

  field_str(Item* a, analyse* b) :field_info(a,b), min_arg(""),
    max_arg(""), sum(0),
    must_be_blob(0), was_zero_fill(0),
    was_maybe_zerofill(0), can_be_still_num(1)
    { init_tree(&tree, 0, sizeof(String), a->binary ?
		(qsort_cmp2) stringcmp2 : (qsort_cmp2) sortcmp2,
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119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144
		0, (void (*)(void*)) free_string); };

  void	 add();
  void	 get_opt_type(String*, ha_rows);
  String *get_min_arg(String *not_used __attribute__((unused)))
  { return &min_arg; }
  String *get_max_arg(String *not_used __attribute__((unused)))
  { return &max_arg; }
  String *avg(String *s, ha_rows rows)
    if (!(rows - nulls))
      s->set((double) 0.0, 1);
      s->set((ulonglong2double(sum) / ulonglong2double(rows - nulls)),
    return s;
  friend int collect_string(String *element, element_count count,
			    TREE_INFO *info);
  tree_walk_action collect_enum()
  { return (tree_walk_action) collect_string; }
  String *std(String *s __attribute__((unused)),
	      ha_rows rows __attribute__((unused)))
  { return (String*) 0; }

145 146 147

int collect_real(double *element, element_count count, TREE_INFO *info);

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148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157
class field_real: public field_info
  double min_arg, max_arg;
  double sum, sum_sqr;
  uint	 max_notzero_dec_len;

  field_real(Item* a, analyse* b) :field_info(a,b),
    min_arg(0), max_arg(0),  sum(0), sum_sqr(0), max_notzero_dec_len(0)
    { init_tree(&tree, 0, sizeof(double),
		(qsort_cmp2) compare_double2, 0, NULL); }
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159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191

  void	 add();
  void	 get_opt_type(String*, ha_rows);
  String *get_min_arg(String *s) { s->set(min_arg, item->decimals); return s; }
  String *get_max_arg(String *s) { s->set(max_arg, item->decimals); return s; }
  String *avg(String *s, ha_rows rows)
    if (!(rows - nulls))
      s->set((double) 0.0, 1);
      s->set(((double)sum / (double) (rows - nulls)), item->decimals);
    return s;
  String *std(String *s, ha_rows rows)
    double tmp = ulonglong2double(rows);
    if (!(tmp - nulls))
      s->set((double) 0.0, 1);
      double tmp2 = ((sum_sqr - sum * sum / (tmp - nulls)) /
		     (tmp - nulls));
      s->set(((double) tmp2 <= 0.0 ? 0.0 : sqrt(tmp2)), item->decimals);
    return s;
  uint	 decimals() { return item->decimals; }
  friend int collect_real(double *element, element_count count,
			  TREE_INFO *info);
  tree_walk_action collect_enum()
  { return (tree_walk_action) collect_real;}

192 193 194
int collect_longlong(longlong *element, element_count count,
		     TREE_INFO *info);

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195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203
class field_longlong: public field_info
  longlong min_arg, max_arg;
  longlong sum, sum_sqr;

  field_longlong(Item* a, analyse* b) :field_info(a,b), 
    min_arg(0), max_arg(0), sum(0), sum_sqr(0)
    { init_tree(&tree, 0, sizeof(longlong),
		(qsort_cmp2) compare_longlong2, 0, NULL); }
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205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236

  void	 add();
  void	 get_opt_type(String*, ha_rows);
  String *get_min_arg(String *s) { s->set(min_arg); return s; }
  String *get_max_arg(String *s) { s->set(max_arg); return s; }
  String *avg(String *s, ha_rows rows)
    if (!(rows - nulls))
      s->set((double) 0.0, 1);
      s->set(((double) sum / (double) (rows - nulls)), DEC_IN_AVG);
    return s;
  String *std(String *s, ha_rows rows)
    double tmp = ulonglong2double(rows);
    if (!(tmp - nulls))
      s->set((double) 0.0, 1);
      double tmp2 = ((sum_sqr - sum * sum / (tmp - nulls)) /
		    (tmp - nulls));
      s->set(((double) tmp2 <= 0.0 ? 0.0 : sqrt(tmp2)), DEC_IN_AVG);
    return s;
  friend int collect_longlong(longlong *element, element_count count,
			      TREE_INFO *info);
  tree_walk_action collect_enum()
  { return (tree_walk_action) collect_longlong;}

237 238
int collect_ulonglong(ulonglong *element, element_count count,
		      TREE_INFO *info);
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239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248

class field_ulonglong: public field_info
  ulonglong min_arg, max_arg;
  ulonglong sum, sum_sqr;

  field_ulonglong(Item* a, analyse * b) :field_info(a,b),
    min_arg(0), max_arg(0), sum(0),sum_sqr(0)
    { init_tree(&tree, 0, sizeof(ulonglong),
		(qsort_cmp2) compare_ulonglong2, 0, NULL); }
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250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283
  void	 add();
  void	 get_opt_type(String*, ha_rows);
  String *get_min_arg(String *s) { s->set(min_arg); return s; }
  String *get_max_arg(String *s) { s->set(max_arg); return s; }
  String *avg(String *s, ha_rows rows)
    if (!(rows - nulls))
      s->set((double) 0.0, 1);
      s->set((ulonglong2double(sum) / ulonglong2double(rows - nulls)),
    return s;
  String *std(String *s, ha_rows rows)
    double tmp = ulonglong2double(rows);
    if (!(tmp - nulls))
      s->set((double) 0.0, 1);
      double tmp2 = ((ulonglong2double(sum_sqr) - 
		     ulonglong2double(sum * sum) / (tmp - nulls)) /
		     (tmp - nulls));
      s->set(((double) tmp2 <= 0.0 ? 0.0 : sqrt(tmp2)), DEC_IN_AVG);
    return s;
  friend int collect_ulonglong(ulonglong *element, element_count count,
			       TREE_INFO *info);
  tree_walk_action collect_enum()
  { return (tree_walk_action) collect_ulonglong; }

284 285 286 287
Procedure *proc_analyse_init(THD *thd, ORDER *param,
			     select_result *result,
			     List<Item> &field_list);

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class analyse: public Procedure
  Item_proc    *func_items[10];
  List<Item>   fields, result_fields;
  field_info   **f_info, **f_end;
  ha_rows      rows;
  uint	       output_str_length;

  uint max_tree_elements, max_treemem;

  analyse(select_result *res) :Procedure(res, PROC_NO_SORT), rows(0),
    output_str_length(0) {}

    for (field_info **f=f_info; f != f_end; f++)
      delete (*f);
  virtual void add() {}
  virtual bool change_columns(List<Item> &fields);
  virtual int  send_row(List<Item> &fields);
  virtual void end_group(void) {}
  virtual bool end_of_records(void);
  friend Procedure *proc_analyse_init(THD *thd, ORDER *param,
				      select_result *result,
				      List<Item> &field_list);