• Sergey Petrunya's avatar
    BUG#952372: Server crashes on 2nd execution of PS in find_field_in_tables with... · 5805908b
    Sergey Petrunya authored
    BUG#952372: Server crashes on 2nd execution of PS in find_field_in_tables with semijoin+materialization
    - The problem was that convert_subq_to_jtbm() attached the semi-join
      TABLE_LIST object into the wrong list: they used to attach it to the 
      end of parent_lex->leaf_tables.head()->next_local->...->next_local.
      This was apparently inccorect, as one can construct an example where 
      JTBM nest is attached to a table that is inside some mergeable VIEW, which
      breaks (causes crash) for name resolution on the subsequent statement
    - Solution: Attach to the "right" list. The "wording" was copied from
subselect_sj.result 89.4 KB