• Jan Lindström's avatar
    MDEV-8923: port innodb_buffer_pool_dump_pct from MySQL · b63bf736
    Jan Lindström authored
    Backport pull request #125 from grooverdan/MDEV-8923_innodb_buffer_pool_dump_pct to 10.0
    WL#6504 InnoDB buffer pool dump/load enchantments
    This patch consists of two parts:
        1. Dump only the hottest N% of the buffer pool(s)
        2. Prevent hogging the server duing BP load
    From MySQL - commit b409342c43ce2edb68807100a77001367c7e6b8e
    Add testcases for innodb_buffer_pool_dump_pct_basic.
    Part of the code authored by Daniel Black
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