• unknown's avatar
    Bug #19852 Restoring backup made from cluster with full data memory fails · 0335013f
    unknown authored
    - make sure to allocate just enough pages in the fragments by using the actual
      row count from the backup, to avoid over allocation of pages to fragments, and
      thus avoid the bug
      Bug #19852  	Restoring backup made from cluster with full data memory fails
      - distribute fragment complete to all participants to update row count
      Bug #19852  	Restoring backup made from cluster with full data memory fails
      - time slica writing of fragment info to ctl file
      Bug #19852  	Restoring backup made from cluster with full data memory fails
      - 32 -> 64 bit on bytes and records
      - new signal fragment complete to all participants
      Bug #19852  	Restoring backup made from cluster with full data memory fails
      - 32 -> 64 bit on bytes and records
      Bug #19852  	Restoring backup made from cluster with full data memory fails
      - add min and max rows to dict tab info
      Bug #19852  	Restoring backup made from cluster with full data memory fails
      - added min and max rows to add frag req
      Bug #19852  	Restoring backup made from cluster with full data memory fails
      - added min and max rows to add frag req
      Bug #19852  	Restoring backup made from cluster with full data memory fails
      - added get/set of min max rows
      Bug #19852  	Restoring backup made from cluster with full data memory fails
      - 32 -> 64 bit on bytes and records
      Bug #19852  	Restoring backup made from cluster with full data memory fails
      - 32 -> 64 bit on bytes and records
      Bug #19852  	Restoring backup made from cluster with full data memory fails
      - added min and max rows to dict tab info
      Bug #19852  	Restoring backup made from cluster with full data memory fails
      - added min and max rows to frag req
      Bug #19852  	Restoring backup made from cluster with full data memory fails
      - new section in backup with per fragment info in ctl file
      - 32 -> 64 bit on bytes and records
      Bug #19852  	Restoring backup made from cluster with full data memory fails
      - new section in backup with per fragment info in ctl file
      - 32 -> 64 bit on bytes and records
      Bug #19852  	Restoring backup made from cluster with full data memory fails
      - new section in backup with per fragment info in ctl file
      - 32 -> 64 bit on bytes and records
      Bug #19852  	Restoring backup made from cluster with full data memory fails
      - new signal fragment complete to all participants
      Bug #19852  	Restoring backup made from cluster with full data memory fails
      - added max and min rows to dict table object
      Bug #19852  	Restoring backup made from cluster with full data memory fails
      - added max and min rows to dict table object
      Bug #19852  	Restoring backup made from cluster with full data memory fails
      - added min and max rows to frag req
      Bug #19852  	Restoring backup made from cluster with full data memory fails
      - added min and max rows to frag req
      Bug #19852  	Restoring backup made from cluster with full data memory fails
      - added min and max rows to frag req
      Bug #19852  	Restoring backup made from cluster with full data memory fails
      - added min and max rows to frag req
      - move memory allocation to fragment to after adding of attributes to get correct headsize
      - allocate pages to fragments according to min rows setting
      Bug #19852  	Restoring backup made from cluster with full data memory fails
      - grow page allocation starting from 2 irrespective of first page allocation
      Bug #19852  	Restoring backup made from cluster with full data memory fails
      - 32 -> 64 bits on bytes and records
      Bug #19852  	Restoring backup made from cluster with full data memory fails
      - 32 -> 64 bits on bytes and records
      Bug #19852  	Restoring backup made from cluster with full data memory fails
      - min and max rows in dict
      Bug #19852  	Restoring backup made from cluster with full data memory fails
      - min and max rows in dict
      Bug #19852  	Restoring backup made from cluster with full data memory fails
      - min and max rows in dict
      Bug #19852  	Restoring backup made from cluster with full data memory fails
      - add retrieval of fragment info
      Bug #19852  	Restoring backup made from cluster with full data memory fails
      - add retrieval of fragment info
      Bug #19852  	Restoring backup made from cluster with full data memory fails
      - set min in restore to the actual row count (this is the actual bug fix)
      Bug #19852  	Restoring backup made from cluster with full data memory fails
      - set min and max rows according to sql definition
Dbtup.hpp 105 KB