• Shivji Kumar Jha's avatar
    BUG#16580366- MTR TESTS FAILING SPORADICALLY ON PB2 (5.5, 5.6 AND 5.7) · d4011a61
    Shivji Kumar Jha authored
                  DURING INNODB RECOVERY
    The connection 'master' is dropped by mysqltest after
    rpl_end.inc. At this point, dropping temporary tables
    at the connection 'master' are not synced at slave.
    So, the temporary tables replicated from master remain
    on slave leading to an inconsistent close of the test.
    The following test thus complains about the presence of
    temporary table(s) left over from the previous test.
    - Put explicit drop commands in replication tests so
      that the temporary tables are dropped at slave as well.
    - Added the check for Slave_open_temp_tables in
      mtr_check.sql to warn about the remaining temporary
      table, if any, at the close of a test.
mtr_check.sql 2.91 KB