• Alexey Kopytov's avatar
    Fix for bug #43801: mysql.test takes too long, fails due to · d61ae816
    Alexey Kopytov authored
                        expired timeout on debx86-b in PB
    Turned off general log when importing DB dump in the test 
    case for bug #41486 due to the bug in CSV engine code that 
    makes logging long SQL query too slow.
      Turned off general log when importing DB dump in the test 
      case for bug #41486 due to the bug in CSV engine code that 
      makes logging long SQL query too slow.
      Turned off general log when importing DB dump in the test 
      case for bug #41486 due to the bug in CSV engine code that 
      makes logging long SQL query too slow.
mysql-bug41486.test 1.51 KB