Commit 155265a7 authored by's avatar


parents 9e924a49 b254e69a
100' * (select 1 from T1 (1M rows) where key = rand());
1 host, 1 ndbd, api co-hosted
results in 1000 rows / sec
wo/reset bounds w/ rb
4.1-read committed a) 4.9 b) 7.4
4.1-read hold lock c) 4.7 d) 6.7
wl2077-read committed 6.4 (+30%) 10.8 (+45%)
wl2077-read hold lock 4.6 (-1%) 6.7 (+ 0%)
-- Comparision e)
serial pk: 10.9'
batched (1000): 59'
serial uniq index: 8.4'
batched (1000): 33'
index range (1000): 186'
load) testScanPerf -c 1 -d 1 T1
a) testScanPerf -s 100000 -c 0 -d 0 -a 1 -l 0 -r 2 -q 0 T1
b) testScanPerf -s 100000 -c 0 -d 0 -a 1 -l 0 -r 2 -q 1 T1
c) testScanPerf -s 100000 -c 0 -d 0 -a 1 -l 1 -r 2 -q 0 T1
d) testScanPerf -s 100000 -c 0 -d 0 -a 1 -l 1 -r 2 -q 1 T1
e) testReadPerf -i 25 -c 0 -d 0 T1
--- music join 1db-co 2db-co
4.1 13s 14s
4.1 wo/ blobs 1.7s 3.2s
wl2077 12s 14s
wl2077 wo/ blobs 1.2s (-30%) 2.5s (-22%)
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