Commit 1acae43e authored by unknown's avatar unknown

Small fixes and added comments to condition pushdown to ndbcluster, after code review

parent 88a2b72c
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......@@ -87,12 +87,17 @@ typedef union ndb_item_value {
NDB_ITEM_FIELD_VALUE *field_value;
This class is used for serialization of the Item tree for
condition pushdown. It is stored in a linked list implemented
by Ndb_cond class.
class Ndb_item {
Ndb_item(NDB_ITEM_TYPE item_type) : type(item_type) {};
Ndb_item(NDB_ITEM_TYPE item_type,
NDB_ITEM_QUALIFICATION item_qualification,
const Item *item_value)
NDB_ITEM_QUALIFICATION item_qualification,
const Item *item_value)
: type(item_type), qualification(item_qualification)
switch(item_type) {
......@@ -128,8 +133,8 @@ class Ndb_item {
if (type == NDB_FIELD)
delete value.field_value;
value.field_value= NULL;
delete value.field_value;
value.field_value= NULL;
......@@ -162,7 +167,12 @@ class Ndb_item {
class Ndb_cond {
This class implements a linked list used for storing a
serialization of the Item tree for condition pushdown.
class Ndb_cond
Ndb_cond() : ndb_item(NULL), next(NULL), prev(NULL) {};
......@@ -177,7 +187,15 @@ class Ndb_cond {
Ndb_cond *prev;
class Ndb_cond_stack {
This class implements a stack for storing several conditions
for pushdown (represented as serialized Item trees using Ndb_cond).
The current implementation only pushes one condition, but is
prepared for handling several (C1 AND C2 ...) if the logic for
pushing conditions is extended in sql_select.
class Ndb_cond_stack
Ndb_cond_stack() : ndb_cond(NULL), next(NULL) {};
......@@ -190,12 +208,19 @@ class Ndb_cond_stack {
Ndb_cond_stack *next;
class Ndb_cond_traverse_context {
This class is used for storing the context when traversing
the Item tree. It stores a reference to the table the condition
is defined on, the serialized representation being generated,
if the condition found is supported, and information what is
expected next in the tree inorder for the condition to be supported.
class Ndb_cond_traverse_context
Ndb_cond_traverse_context(TABLE *tab, void* ndb_tab,
bool *supported, Ndb_cond_stack* stack)
Ndb_cond_traverse_context(TABLE *tab, void* ndb_tab, Ndb_cond_stack* stack)
: table(tab), ndb_table(ndb_tab),
supported_ptr(supported), stack_ptr(stack), cond_ptr(NULL),
supported(TRUE), stack_ptr(stack), cond_ptr(NULL),
expect_mask(0), expect_field_result_mask(0), skip(0)
if (stack)
......@@ -243,7 +268,7 @@ class Ndb_cond_traverse_context {
TABLE* table;
void* ndb_table;
bool *supported_ptr;
bool supported;
Ndb_cond_stack* stack_ptr;
Ndb_cond* cond_ptr;
uint expect_mask;
......@@ -255,7 +280,8 @@ class Ndb_cond_traverse_context {
Place holder for ha_ndbcluster thread specific data
class Thd_ndb {
class Thd_ndb
......@@ -280,9 +306,9 @@ class ha_ndbcluster: public handler
int index_init(uint index);
int index_end();
int index_read(byte *buf, const byte *key, uint key_len,
enum ha_rkey_function find_flag);
enum ha_rkey_function find_flag);
int index_read_idx(byte *buf, uint index, const byte *key, uint key_len,
enum ha_rkey_function find_flag);
enum ha_rkey_function find_flag);
int index_next(byte *buf);
int index_prev(byte *buf);
int index_first(byte *buf);
......@@ -294,20 +320,20 @@ class ha_ndbcluster: public handler
int rnd_pos(byte *buf, byte *pos);
void position(const byte *record);
int read_range_first(const key_range *start_key,
const key_range *end_key,
bool eq_range, bool sorted);
const key_range *end_key,
bool eq_range, bool sorted);
int read_range_first_to_buf(const key_range *start_key,
const key_range *end_key,
bool eq_range, bool sorted,
byte* buf);
const key_range *end_key,
bool eq_range, bool sorted,
byte* buf);
int read_range_next();
* Multi range stuff
int read_multi_range_first(KEY_MULTI_RANGE **found_range_p,
KEY_MULTI_RANGE*ranges, uint range_count,
bool sorted, HANDLER_BUFFER *buffer);
KEY_MULTI_RANGE*ranges, uint range_count,
bool sorted, HANDLER_BUFFER *buffer);
int read_multi_range_next(KEY_MULTI_RANGE **found_range_p);
bool get_error_message(int error, String *buf);
......@@ -329,8 +355,8 @@ class ha_ndbcluster: public handler
int delete_table(const char *name);
int create(const char *name, TABLE *form, HA_CREATE_INFO *info);
THR_LOCK_DATA **store_lock(THD *thd,
enum thr_lock_type lock_type);
enum thr_lock_type lock_type);
bool low_byte_first() const;
bool has_transactions();
......@@ -347,14 +373,34 @@ class ha_ndbcluster: public handler
Condition pushdown
Push a condition to ndbcluster storage engine for evaluation
during table and index scans. The conditions will be stored on a stack
for possibly storing several conditions. The stack can be popped
by calling cond_pop, handler::extra(HA_EXTRA_RESET) (handler::reset())
will clear the stack.
The current implementation supports arbitrary AND/OR nested conditions
with comparisons between columns and constants (including constant
expressions and function calls) and the following comparison operators:
=, !=, >, >=, <, <=, "is null", and "is not null".
NULL The condition was supported and will be evaluated for each
row found during the scan
cond The condition was not supported and all rows will be returned from
the scan for evaluation (and thus not saved on stack)
const COND *cond_push(const COND *cond);
Pop the top condition from the condition stack of the handler instance.
void cond_pop();
uint8 table_cache_type();
my_bool register_query_cache_table(THD *thd, char *table_key,
uint key_length,
qc_engine_callback *engine_callback,
ulonglong *engine_data);
uint key_length,
qc_engine_callback *engine_callback,
ulonglong *engine_data);
int alter_table_name(const char *to);
int drop_table();
......@@ -374,17 +420,17 @@ private:
int complemented_pk_read(const byte *old_data, byte *new_data);
int peek_row();
int unique_index_read(const byte *key, uint key_len,
byte *buf);
byte *buf);
int ordered_index_scan(const key_range *start_key,
const key_range *end_key,
bool sorted, bool descending, byte* buf);
const key_range *end_key,
bool sorted, bool descending, byte* buf);
int full_table_scan(byte * buf);
int fetch_next(NdbScanOperation* op);
int next_result(byte *buf);
int define_read_attrs(byte* buf, NdbOperation* op);
int filtered_scan(const byte *key, uint key_len,
byte *buf,
enum ha_rkey_function find_flag);
byte *buf,
enum ha_rkey_function find_flag);
int close_scan();
void unpack_record(byte *buf);
int get_ndb_lock_type(enum thr_lock_type type);
......@@ -394,9 +440,9 @@ private:
void set_tabname(const char *pathname, char *tabname);
bool set_hidden_key(NdbOperation*,
uint fieldnr, const byte* field_ptr);
uint fieldnr, const byte* field_ptr);
int set_ndb_key(NdbOperation*, Field *field,
uint fieldnr, const byte* field_ptr);
uint fieldnr, const byte* field_ptr);
int set_ndb_value(NdbOperation*, Field *field, uint fieldnr, bool *set_blob_value= 0);
int get_ndb_value(NdbOperation*, Field *field, uint fieldnr, byte*);
friend int g_get_ndb_blobs_value(NdbBlob *ndb_blob, void *arg);
......@@ -432,12 +478,12 @@ private:
void cond_clear();
bool serialize_cond(const COND *cond, Ndb_cond_stack *ndb_cond);
int build_scan_filter_predicate(Ndb_cond* &cond,
NdbScanFilter* filter);
NdbScanFilter* filter);
int build_scan_filter_group(Ndb_cond* &cond,
NdbScanFilter* filter);
NdbScanFilter* filter);
int build_scan_filter(Ndb_cond* &cond, NdbScanFilter* filter);
int generate_scan_filter(Ndb_cond_stack* cond_stack,
NdbScanOperation* op);
NdbScanOperation* op);
friend int execute_commit(ha_ndbcluster*, NdbTransaction*);
friend int execute_no_commit(ha_ndbcluster*, NdbTransaction*);
......@@ -501,9 +547,9 @@ int ndbcluster_rollback(THD *thd, void* ndb_transaction);
void ndbcluster_close_connection(THD *thd);
int ndbcluster_discover(THD* thd, const char* dbname, const char* name,
const void** frmblob, uint* frmlen);
const void** frmblob, uint* frmlen);
int ndbcluster_find_files(THD *thd,const char *db,const char *path,
const char *wild, bool dir, List<char> *files);
const char *wild, bool dir, List<char> *files);
int ndbcluster_table_exists(THD* thd, const char *db, const char *name);
int ndbcluster_drop_database(const char* path);
......@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ typedef struct st_table TABLE;
struct st_foreign_key_info;
typedef struct st_foreign_key_info FOREIGN_KEY_INFO;
/* Forward declaration for Condition Pushdown to Handler (CPDH) */
/* Forward declaration for condition pushdown to storage engine */
typedef struct Item COND;
typedef struct st_ha_check_opt
......@@ -625,7 +625,24 @@ public:
Condition pushdown to storage engines
Push a condition to storage engine for evaluation during table
and index scans. The conditions should be stored on a stack
for possibly storing several conditions. The stack can be popped
by calling cond_pop, handler::extra(HA_EXTRA_RESET) (handler::reset())
should clear the stack.
The condition can be traversed using Item::traverse_cond
NULL The condition was supported by the handler and will be evaluated
for each row found during the scan
cond The condition was not supported and all rows will be returned from
the scan for evaluation (and thus not saved on stack)
virtual const COND *cond_push(const COND *cond) { return cond; };
Pop the top condition from the condition stack of the handler instance.
virtual void cond_pop() { return; };
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