Commit 39808a88 authored by Dave Wells's avatar Dave Wells Committed by Yoni Fogel

merge changes to cachetable.c from tokudb.2445 [t:2444]

git-svn-id: file:///svn/toku/tokudb@18399 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent fc66a16c
......@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ int toku_cachetable_openfd_with_filenum (CACHEFILE *cfptr, CACHETABLE ct, int fd
if (reserved) assert(with_filenum);
r = toku_os_get_unique_file_id(fd, &fileid);
if (r != 0) {
r=errno; close(fd);
r=errno; close(fd); // no change for t:2444
return r;
r = toku_pthread_mutex_lock(&ct->openfd_mutex); // purpose is to make this function single-threaded
......@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ int toku_cachetable_openfd_with_filenum (CACHEFILE *cfptr, CACHETABLE ct, int fd
goto try_again; // other thread has closed this file, go create a new cachefile
assert(!is_filenum_reserved(ct, extant->filenum));
r = close(fd);
r = close(fd); // no change for t:2444
assert(r == 0);
// re-use pre-existing cachefile
*cfptr = extant;
......@@ -601,7 +601,10 @@ int toku_cachefile_redirect (CACHEFILE cf, int newfd, const char *fname_in_env,
assert(cf->closefd_waiting == 0);
r = toku_file_fsync_without_accounting(cf->fd); //t:2444
assert(r == 0);
close(cf->fd); // close the old file
toku_free(cf->fname_in_env); // free old iname string
cf->fname_in_env = NULL; // hygiene
toku_free(cf->fname_in_cwd); // free old iname string
......@@ -636,7 +639,7 @@ int toku_cachefile_set_fd (CACHEFILE cf, int fd, const char *fname_in_env) {
struct fileid fileid;
r=toku_os_get_unique_file_id(fd, &fileid);
if (r != 0) {
r=errno; close(fd); return r;
r=errno; close(fd); return r; // no change for t:2444
if (cf->close_userdata && (r = cf->close_userdata(cf, cf->userdata, 0, FALSE, ZERO_LSN))) {
return r;
......@@ -647,7 +650,7 @@ int toku_cachefile_set_fd (CACHEFILE cf, int fd, const char *fname_in_env) {
cf->end_checkpoint_userdata = NULL;
cf->userdata = NULL;
close(cf->fd); // no change for t:2444
cf->fd = -1;
if (cf->fname_in_env) {
......@@ -762,6 +765,11 @@ int toku_cachefile_close (CACHEFILE *cfp, char **error_string, BOOL oplsn_valid,
if (cf->fname_in_env) toku_free(cf->fname_in_env);
if (cf->fname_in_cwd) toku_free(cf->fname_in_cwd);
if ( !toku_cachefile_is_dev_null(cf) ) {
int r3 = toku_file_fsync_without_accounting(cf->fd); //t:2444
if (r3!=0) fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d During error handling, could not fsync file r=%d errno=%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, r3, errno);
int r2 = close(cf->fd);
if (r2!=0) fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d During error handling, could not close file r=%d errno=%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, r2, errno);
//assert(r == 0);
......@@ -804,6 +812,11 @@ int toku_cachefile_close (CACHEFILE *cfp, char **error_string, BOOL oplsn_valid,
if ( !toku_cachefile_is_dev_null(cf) ) {
r = toku_file_fsync_without_accounting(cf->fd); //t:2444
assert(r == 0);
r = close(cf->fd);
assert(r == 0);
cf->fd = -1;
......@@ -2268,7 +2281,7 @@ int toku_cachefile_redirect_nullfd (CACHEFILE cf) {
int r = toku_os_get_unique_file_id(null_fd, &fileid);
close(cf->fd); // no change for t:2444
cf->fd = null_fd;
char *saved_fname_in_env = cf->fname_in_env;
char *saved_fname_in_cwd = cf->fname_in_cwd;
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