Commit 3b51496d authored by Rich Prohaska's avatar Rich Prohaska Committed by Yoni Fogel

#3004 update the undo tests README refs[t:3004]

git-svn-id: file:///svn/toku/tokudb@25633 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent 43e5039e
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
The hotindexer undo do function is tested by feeding it a leafentry,
capturing the actions taken on the hot dictionary,
and comparing the actions with the precomputed expected actions.
and comparing the actions with the expected actions.
The test passes if the actions match the expected actions.
Each test is described by a .test file and a .result file.
......@@ -65,4 +65,11 @@ delete_provisional [<XIDS>] <KEY>
== lock ==
lock [<XIDS>] <KEY>
= Schema =
Source dictionary: <source key, source data>
Hot dictionary: <source data, source key>
# this test runs the undo do function on a leaf entry that consists of a single committed delete
key 1
key k1
delete committed 0
insert_committed [0] 100 1
insert_committed [0] v100 k1
# commited insert
key 1
insert committed 0 100
key k1
insert committed 0 v100
insert_committed [100] 100 1
commit_any [100] 100
insert_committed [100] v100 k1
commit_any [100] v100
key 1
key k1
delete committed 0
insert committed 100 100
insert committed 100 v100
insert_committed [100] 100 1
commit_any [100] 100
delete_committed [200] 100
insert_committed [200] 200 1
commit_any [200] 100
commit_any [200] 200
insert_committed [100] v100 k1
commit_any [100] v100
delete_committed [200] v100
insert_committed [200] v200 k1
commit_any [200] v100
commit_any [200] v200
key 1
key k1
delete committed 0
insert committed 100 100
insert committed 200 200
insert committed 100 v100
insert committed 200 v200
insert_provisional [300,301,302] 10 1
lock [300] 10
insert_provisional [300,301,302] v10 k1
lock [300] v10
live 300 301 302
key 1
key k1
delete committed 0
placeholder 300
placeholder 301
insert provisional 302 10
insert provisional 302 v10
insert_committed [300,301,302] 10 1
commit_any [300,301,302] 10
insert_committed [300,301,302] v10 k1
commit_any [300,301,302] v10
key 1
key k1
delete committed 0
placeholder 300
placeholder 301
insert provisional 302 10
insert provisional 302 v10
insert_provisional [300,301,302] 10 1
lock [300] 10
insert_provisional [300,301,302] v10 k1
lock [300] v10
live 300 301
key 1
key k1
delete committed 0
placeholder 300
placeholder 301
insert provisional 302 10
insert provisional 302 v10
insert_committed [100] 10 1
commit_any [100] 10
delete_provisional [300,301,302] 10
lock [300] 10
insert_provisional [300,301,302] 20 1
lock [300] 20
insert_committed [100] v10 k1
commit_any [100] v10
delete_provisional [300,301,302] v10
lock [300] v10
insert_provisional [300,301,302] v20 k1
lock [300] v20
live 300 301 302
key 1
key k1
delete committed 0
insert committed 100 10
insert committed 100 v10
placeholder 300
placeholder 301
insert provisional 302 20
insert provisional 302 v20
insert_committed [100] 10 1
commit_any [100] 10
delete_committed [300,301,302] 10
insert_committed [300,301,302] 20 1
commit_any [300,301,302] 10
commit_any [300,301,302] 20
insert_committed [100] v10 k1
commit_any [100] v10
delete_committed [300,301,302] v10
insert_committed [300,301,302] v20 k1
commit_any [300,301,302] v10
commit_any [300,301,302] v20
key 1
key k1
delete committed 0
insert committed 100 10
insert committed 100 v10
placeholder 300
placeholder 301
insert provisional 302 20
insert provisional 302 v20
insert_committed [0] 10 1
delete_committed [100] 10
insert_committed [100] 20 1
commit_any [100] 10
commit_any [100] 20
delete_committed [200] 20
insert_committed [200] 10 1
commit_any [200] 20
commit_any [200] 10
delete_provisional [300,301] 10
lock [300] 10
insert_provisional [300,301] 30 1
lock [300] 30
delete_provisional [300,301,302] 30
lock [300] 30
lock [300] 30
insert_committed [0] v10 k1
delete_committed [100] v10
insert_committed [100] v20 k1
commit_any [100] v10
commit_any [100] v20
delete_committed [200] v20
insert_committed [200] v10 k1
commit_any [200] v20
commit_any [200] v10
delete_provisional [300,301] v10
lock [300] v10
insert_provisional [300,301] v30 k1
lock [300] v30
delete_provisional [300,301,302] v30
lock [300] v30
lock [300] v30
live 300 301 302
key 1
insert committed 0 10
insert committed 100 20
insert committed 200 10
key k1
insert committed 0 v10
insert committed 100 v20
insert committed 200 v10
placeholder 300
insert provisional 301 30
insert provisional 301 v30
delete provisional 302
insert_committed [0] 10 1
delete_committed [100] 10
insert_committed [100] 20 1
commit_any [100] 10
commit_any [100] 20
delete_committed [200] 20
insert_committed [200] 10 1
commit_any [200] 20
commit_any [200] 10
delete_committed [300,301] 10
insert_committed [300,301] 30 1
commit_any [300,301] 10
commit_any [300,301] 30
delete_committed [300,301,302] 30
commit_any [300,301,302] 30
insert_committed [0] v10 k1
delete_committed [100] v10
insert_committed [100] v20 k1
commit_any [100] v10
commit_any [100] v20
delete_committed [200] v20
insert_committed [200] v10 k1
commit_any [200] v20
commit_any [200] v10
delete_committed [300,301] v10
insert_committed [300,301] v30 k1
commit_any [300,301] v10
commit_any [300,301] v30
delete_committed [300,301,302] v30
commit_any [300,301,302] v30
key 1
insert committed 0 10
insert committed 100 20
insert committed 200 10
key k1
insert committed 0 v10
insert committed 100 v20
insert committed 200 v10
placeholder 300
insert provisional 301 30
insert provisional 301 v30
delete provisional 302
insert_provisional [100] 100 1
lock [100] 100
insert_provisional [100] v100 k1
lock [100] v100
live 100
key 1
key k1
delete committed 0
insert provisional 100 100
insert provisional 100 v100
insert_committed [100] 100 1
commit_any [100] 100
insert_committed [100] v100 k1
commit_any [100] v100
key 1
key k1
delete committed 0
insert provisional 100 100
insert provisional 100 v100
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