Commit 3dd08a11 authored by Vicențiu Ciorbaru's avatar Vicențiu Ciorbaru

Fix another bug in dense_rank.

When ordering by a column and partitioning by another, we must reset the
peer_tracker for dense_rank, regardless if the value for the order
column changes or not.

select a, b, dense_rank() over (partition by b order by a)
a  |  b  |  dense_rank
1  | p1  |           1
2  | p1  |           2
2  | p2  |           1   // Here, without this fix we returned 0.
2  | p2  |           2   // And 1 here.
parent b532be9f
......@@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ pk a b rank dense_rank
3 1 10 3 2
4 1 10 3 2
8 2 10 5 3
5 2 20 1 0
6 2 20 1 0
7 2 20 1 0
9 4 20 4 1
10 4 20 4 1
5 2 20 1 1
6 2 20 1 1
7 2 20 1 1
9 4 20 4 2
10 4 20 4 2
drop table t1;
# Test with null values in the table.
......@@ -185,8 +185,11 @@ void Item_sum_dense_rank::setup_window_func(THD *thd, Window_spec *window_spec)
bool Item_sum_dense_rank::add()
if (peer_tracker.check_if_next_group())
if (peer_tracker.check_if_next_group() || first_add)
first_add= false;
return false;
......@@ -213,7 +213,9 @@ public:
class Item_sum_dense_rank: public Item_sum_int
longlong dense_rank;
bool first_add;
Group_bound_tracker peer_tracker;
XXX(cvicentiu) This class could potentially be implemented in the rank
class, with a switch for the DENSE case.
......@@ -221,6 +223,7 @@ class Item_sum_dense_rank: public Item_sum_int
void clear()
dense_rank= 0;
first_add= true;
bool add();
void update_field() {}
......@@ -229,9 +232,8 @@ class Item_sum_dense_rank: public Item_sum_int
return dense_rank;
Item_sum_dense_rank(THD *thd)
: Item_sum_int(thd), dense_rank(0) {}
: Item_sum_int(thd), dense_rank(0), first_add(true) {}
enum Sumfunctype sum_func () const
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