Commit 44d3917f authored by Guilhem Bichot's avatar Guilhem Bichot

Fix for BUG#41102 "Maria: maria-no-logging.test fails randomly on Win64"

  move mysqladmin call to include file for reusal (so that others don't have to hit the same bug in their tests);
  this include file additionally waits for disconnection. Reasons for BUG#41102:
  - in maria-no-logging.test, we shut down mysqld in, remove logs, tell mtr that it can
  restart mysqld, then wait for being connected (, then send commands to new mysqld.
  - but under Windows "mysqladmin shutdown" does not wait for mysqld to be down, so we accidentally removed logs
  while it was shutting down, wait_until_connected_again found that we were connected (because it was shutting
  down slowly, connections were not yet broken), sent new commands, and one of them failed because mysqld finally
  closed connections.
  - the fix is to just wait for disconnection after shutdown.
  - in a sense, the catch is the "again" in
  shutdown with mysqladmin AND waiting for shutdown to complete (needed on Windows)
  script which waits until connection is lost
parent 45521d97
No related merge requests found
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ append_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/master0.expect;
--exec $MYSQLADMIN --no-defaults -S $MASTER_MYSOCK -P $MASTER_MYPORT -u root --password= shutdown 2>&1;
--source include/
if (!$mel_keep_control_file)
# Initiates a clean shutdown of the server and waits for its completion
--exec $MYSQLADMIN --no-defaults -S $MASTER_MYSOCK -P $MASTER_MYPORT -u root --password= shutdown 2>&1;
# On Windows mysqladmin does not wait for shutdown to be finished,
# so we have to monitor this with our connection:
--source include/
......@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
# Include this script to wait until the connection to the
# server has been restored or timeout occurs.
# You should have done --enable_reconnect first
# When you change this file you may have to chance its cousin
let $counter= 5000;
# Include this script after a shutdown to wait until the connection
# to the server has been lost or timeout occurs.
# When you change this file you may have to chance its cousin
let $counter= 5000;
let $mysql_errno= 0;
while (!$mysql_errno)
--error 0,2002,2003,2006,1053
show status;
dec $counter;
if (!$counter)
--die Server failed to disconnect me
--sleep 0.1
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