Commit 50cdef08 authored by Bjorn Munch's avatar Bjorn Munch

Bug #55503 MTR fails to filter LEAK SUMMARY from valgrind report of restarted servers

Was not covered by "skip" pattern
Replace with a more generic pattern for SUMMARY
parent f4dcccdf
......@@ -3791,7 +3791,8 @@ sub extract_warning_lines ($$) {
if ($opt_valgrind_mysqld) {
# Skip valgrind summary from tests where server has been restarted
# Should this contain memory leaks, the final report will find it
$skip_valgrind= 1 if $line =~ /^==\d+== ERROR SUMMARY:/;
# Use a generic pattern for summaries
$skip_valgrind= 1 if $line =~ /^==\d+== [A-Z ]+ SUMMARY:/;
$skip_valgrind= 0 unless $line =~ /^==\d+==/;
next if $skip_valgrind;
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