Commit 5ea43000 authored by Dave Wells's avatar Dave Wells Committed by Yoni Fogel

assert labeling

git-svn-id: file:///svn/toku/tokudb@20286 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent e3bbc5e0
......@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ static void cleanup_big_buffer(struct file_info *file) {
int brtloader_init_file_infos (struct file_infos *fi) {
int r = toku_pthread_mutex_init(&fi->lock, NULL); assert(r == 0);
int r = toku_pthread_mutex_init(&fi->lock, NULL); lazy_assert(r == 0);
fi->n_files = 0;
fi->n_files_limit = 1;
fi->n_files_open = 0;
......@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ void brtloader_fi_destroy (struct file_infos *fi, BOOL is_error)
// If !is_error then requires that all the temp files have been closed and destroyed
// No error codes are returned. If anything goes wrong with closing and unlinking then it's only in an is_error case, so we don't care.
int r = toku_pthread_mutex_destroy(&fi->lock); assert(r == 0);
int r = toku_pthread_mutex_destroy(&fi->lock); lazy_assert(r == 0);
if (!is_error) {
......@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ static int open_file_add (struct file_infos *fi,
/* out */ FIDX *idx)
int result = 0;
int r = toku_pthread_mutex_lock(&fi->lock); assert(r==0);
int r = toku_pthread_mutex_lock(&fi->lock); resource_assert(r==0);
if (fi->n_files >= fi->n_files_limit) {
fi->n_files_limit *=2;
XREALLOC_N(fi->n_files_limit, fi->file_infos);
......@@ -188,13 +188,13 @@ static int open_file_add (struct file_infos *fi,
r = toku_pthread_mutex_unlock(&fi->lock); assert(r==0);
r = toku_pthread_mutex_unlock(&fi->lock); resource_assert(r==0);
return result;
int brtloader_fi_reopen (struct file_infos *fi, FIDX idx, const char *mode) {
int result = 0;
int r = toku_pthread_mutex_lock(&fi->lock); assert(r==0);
int r = toku_pthread_mutex_lock(&fi->lock); resource_assert(r==0);
int i = idx.idx;
assert(i>=0 && i<fi->n_files);
......@@ -205,27 +205,27 @@ int brtloader_fi_reopen (struct file_infos *fi, FIDX idx, const char *mode) {
// No longer need the big buffer for reopened files. Don't allocate the space, we need it elsewhere.
r = toku_pthread_mutex_unlock(&fi->lock); assert(r==0);
r = toku_pthread_mutex_unlock(&fi->lock); resource_assert(r==0);
return result;
int brtloader_fi_close (struct file_infos *fi, FIDX idx)
{ int r2 = toku_pthread_mutex_lock(&fi->lock); assert(r2==0); }
{ int r2 = toku_pthread_mutex_lock(&fi->lock); resource_assert(r2==0); }
assert(idx.idx >=0 && idx.idx < fi->n_files);
fi->file_infos[idx.idx].is_open = FALSE;
int r = fclose(fi->file_infos[idx.idx].file);
{ int r2 = toku_pthread_mutex_unlock(&fi->lock); assert(r2==0); }
{ int r2 = toku_pthread_mutex_unlock(&fi->lock); resource_assert(r2==0); }
if (r!=0) return errno;
else return 0;
int brtloader_fi_unlink (struct file_infos *fi, FIDX idx) {
{ int r2 = toku_pthread_mutex_lock(&fi->lock); assert(r2==0); }
{ int r2 = toku_pthread_mutex_lock(&fi->lock); resource_assert(r2==0); }
int id = idx.idx;
......@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ int brtloader_fi_unlink (struct file_infos *fi, FIDX idx) {
int r = unlink(fi->file_infos[id].fname); if (r!=0) r=errno;
fi->file_infos[id].fname = NULL;
{ int r2 = toku_pthread_mutex_unlock(&fi->lock); assert(r2==0); }
{ int r2 = toku_pthread_mutex_unlock(&fi->lock); resource_assert(r2==0); }
return r;
......@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ int brtloader_open_temp_file (BRTLOADER bl, FIDX *file_idx)
static void brtloader_destroy (BRTLOADER bl, BOOL is_error) {
int r = toku_pthread_mutex_destroy(&bl->mutex); assert(r == 0);
int r = toku_pthread_mutex_destroy(&bl->mutex); lazy_assert(r == 0);
// These frees rely on the fact that if you free a NULL pointer then nothing bad happens.
......@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ int toku_brt_loader_open (/* out */ BRTLOADER *blp,
MY_CALLOC_N(N, bl->fractal_threads_live);
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) bl->fractal_threads_live[i] = FALSE;
{int r = brtloader_init_file_infos(&bl->file_infos); lazy_assert(r==0);}
SET_TO_MY_STRDUP(bl->temp_file_template, temp_file_template);
......@@ -403,13 +403,13 @@ int toku_brt_loader_open (/* out */ BRTLOADER *blp,
static void brt_loader_set_panic(BRTLOADER bl, int error) {
int r = toku_pthread_mutex_lock(&bl->mutex); assert(r == 0);
int r = toku_pthread_mutex_lock(&bl->mutex); resource_assert(r == 0);
BOOL is_panic = bl->panic;
if (!is_panic) {
bl->panic = TRUE;
bl->panic_errno = error;
r = toku_pthread_mutex_unlock(&bl->mutex); assert(r == 0);
r = toku_pthread_mutex_unlock(&bl->mutex); resource_assert(r == 0);
if (!is_panic) {
brt_loader_set_error(&bl->error_callback, error, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
......@@ -417,11 +417,11 @@ static void brt_loader_set_panic(BRTLOADER bl, int error) {
// One of the tests uses this.
FILE *toku_bl_fidx2file (BRTLOADER bl, FIDX i) {
{ int r2 = toku_pthread_mutex_lock(&bl->file_infos.lock); assert(r2==0); }
{ int r2 = toku_pthread_mutex_lock(&bl->file_infos.lock); resource_assert(r2==0); }
assert(i.idx >=0 && i.idx < bl->file_infos.n_files);
FILE *result=bl->file_infos.file_infos[i.idx].file;
{ int r2 = toku_pthread_mutex_unlock(&bl->file_infos.lock); assert(r2==0); }
{ int r2 = toku_pthread_mutex_unlock(&bl->file_infos.lock); resource_assert(r2==0); }
return result;
......@@ -557,9 +557,9 @@ int loader_write_row(DBT *key, DBT *val, FIDX data, FILE *dataf, u_int64_t *data
// we have a chance to handle the errors because when we close we can delete all the files.
if ((r=bl_write_dbt(key, dataf, dataoff, bl))) return r;
if ((r=bl_write_dbt(val, dataf, dataoff, bl))) return r;
{ int r2 = toku_pthread_mutex_lock(&bl->file_infos.lock); assert(r2==0); }
{ int r2 = toku_pthread_mutex_lock(&bl->file_infos.lock); resource_assert(r2==0); }
{ int r2 = toku_pthread_mutex_unlock(&bl->file_infos.lock); assert(r2==0); }
{ int r2 = toku_pthread_mutex_unlock(&bl->file_infos.lock); resource_assert(r2==0); }
return 0;
......@@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ static int loader_do_put(BRTLOADER bl,
{int r = init_rowset(&bl->primary_rowset); lazy_assert(r==0);}
return 0;
......@@ -793,7 +793,7 @@ static int finish_extractor (BRTLOADER bl) {
void *toku_pthread_retval;
int r = toku_pthread_join(bl->extractor_thread, &toku_pthread_retval);
assert(r==0 && toku_pthread_retval==NULL);
resource_assert(r==0 && toku_pthread_retval==NULL);
bl->extractor_live = FALSE;
......@@ -1201,12 +1201,12 @@ static int update_progress (int N,
// Need a lock here because of cilk and also the various pthreads.
// Must protect the increment and the call to the poll_function.
{ int r = toku_pthread_mutex_lock(&update_progress_lock); assert(r == 0); }
{ int r = toku_pthread_mutex_lock(&update_progress_lock); resource_assert(r == 0); }
//printf(" %20s: %d ", message, bl->progress);
int result = brt_loader_call_poll_function(&bl->poll_callback, (float)bl->progress/(float)PROGRESS_MAX);
{ int r = toku_pthread_mutex_unlock(&update_progress_lock); assert(r == 0); }
{ int r = toku_pthread_mutex_unlock(&update_progress_lock); resource_assert(r == 0); }
return result;
......@@ -1350,9 +1350,9 @@ static int merge_some_files_using_dbufio (const BOOL to_q, FIDX dest_data, QUEUE
dataoff[i] = 0;
{ int r2 = toku_pthread_mutex_lock(&bl->file_infos.lock); assert(r2==0); }
{ int r2 = toku_pthread_mutex_lock(&bl->file_infos.lock); resource_assert(r2==0); }
n_rows += bl->file_infos.file_infos[srcs_fidxs[i].idx].n_rows;
{ int r2 = toku_pthread_mutex_unlock(&bl->file_infos.lock); assert(r2==0); }
{ int r2 = toku_pthread_mutex_unlock(&bl->file_infos.lock); resource_assert(r2==0); }
u_int64_t n_rows_done = 0;
......@@ -2175,9 +2175,9 @@ static int loader_do_i (BRTLOADER bl,
void *toku_pthread_retval;
int r2 = toku_pthread_join(bl->fractal_threads[which_db], &toku_pthread_retval);
assert(; // this is a gratuitous assertion to make sure that the fta struct is still live here. A previous bug but that struct into a C block statement.
invariant(; // this is a gratuitous assertion to make sure that the fta struct is still live here. A previous bug but that struct into a C block statement.
assert(r2==0 && toku_pthread_retval==NULL);
resource_assert(r2==0 && toku_pthread_retval==NULL);
bl->fractal_threads_live[which_db] = FALSE;
if (r == 0) r = fta.errno_result;
......@@ -2250,7 +2250,7 @@ int toku_brt_loader_close (BRTLOADER bl,
if (bl->extractor_live) {
r = finish_extractor(bl);
assert(r == 0); // LAZY !!! should check this error code and cleanup if needed.
lazy_assert(r == 0); // LAZY !!! should check this error code and cleanup if needed.
......@@ -22,6 +22,11 @@
#include "brt-internal.h"
#include "toku_atomic.h"
#define lazy_assert(a) assert(a) // indicates code is incomplete
#define invariant(a) assert(a) // indicates a code invariant that must be true
#define resource_assert(a) assert(a) // indicates resource must be available, otherwise unrecoverable
enum {MAX_FILE_SIZE=256};
static LOADER_STATUS_S status; // accountability
......@@ -222,7 +227,7 @@ int toku_loader_create_loader(DB_ENV *env,
rval = r;
goto create_exit;
r = toku_brt_loader_open(&loader->i->brt_loader,
......@@ -233,6 +238,7 @@ int toku_loader_create_loader(DB_ENV *env,
lazy_assert(r == 0);
loader->i->inames_in_env = new_inames_in_env;
rval = 0;
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